250,000 gallons of gasoline spilled (probably more) in ALA and all they care about is the $$ – Government Censorship

Alabama – Sept. 15 2016 – As you may know know a rather large pipeline carrying 1.3 million barrels of gasoline exploded and spilled (according to the company) 250,000 gallons of gasoline onto the ground, causing the Governors of Alabama and Georgia to declare a state of emergency. A kind of martial law in the wording forbidding any airspace usage and more.

According to Colonial Pipeline officials, that is the equivalent of 6,000 barrels of gasoline. It should be noted that a spokesman for Colonial stated that number is only an estimation.”

And they always estimate low, very low the amount of damage as well as pollution of the groundwater and aquifers. This is so far affecting the states of GA, ALA, NC, SC and TN. But who knows where the damage will stop and who knows where else as water flows south in most cases?

What is really disturbing is the fact that this state of emergency was only for the economic impact on the region. Not the health, environmental, polluted groundwater, aquifers as well as the effects on the population concerning the vapors from this large (we are not sure just how large, spill).

No you may not have seen this on the news, as the oil industry funds all major news outlets.

Here’s why and is very concerning:

Out of an abundance of caution, the Federal Government has restricted the airspace above the release location to further protect responders, personnel and the public. This is a decision that Colonial supports.”
You can bet Colonial is very happy no one can see the damage and it cannot be reported properly for all to see!

We need to be very concerned on so many levels here — an executive order being issued by the Gov. of Alabama to prevent the public from learning how bad this spill really is on behalf of the oil industry, our water, lands, live and those of the poor people most impacted in Georgia and Alabama.

Here is one video of the site notice on the right the gasoline retention ‘stream’?:


Do you think any of these pipeline companies give a damn – including Sabal Trail/Spectra Energy, Dakota access, Keystone? A corporation does not care about anything but money — bottom line. Obviously our government is the same.

Folks we are not safe from the fossil fuel companies or our own government! Time to do something about all of this don’t’ you think?

Let us demand a halt to all pipeline construction. A hiring of enough regulators to ‘regulate’ this industry. A demand of halting all subsidies and other ‘breaks’ for the dying oil industry. an investigation of FERC — the federal agency who rubber stamps all pipelines as they are funded by the oil/gas industry.

We must act before it is too late. There are plenty of events across the nation as well as action groups on Facebook – STOP SABAL TRAIL is one. Join in any or all of the groups in your area and not just on FB. YOU can save your life as well as those of your children and their children…. seven generations of protection we should leave our descendants. What are these descendants going to say about us if we do nothing? Personally I do not want them to have to {sic} say we did nothing.
~~ Deb

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