Bad new compressor location, and need 90 days more comment period –Dougherty County Commission to FERC

Go Dougherty! Where are the rest of our County Commissions with their concerns about Sabal Trail suing their citizens, drilling test wells, and preparing to bore under our rivers, fields, forests, and near our schools and homes? You can still contact them, and Governor Deal, and ecomment to FERC.

Follow this link to the text of the Albany letter and here’s news by Tracey Smith, WFXL, 20 July 2015, County commissioners take united stand against Sabal Trail,

At Monday’s Board of Commissioners meeting, every board member signed a letter to send to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

While members of the board have spoken out against the trail individually, this letter, drafted by County Attorney Spencer Lee, allows the board to take a unified stance.

The letter highlights issues with the trail and compressor station that is proposed to be built on Oakridge and Locket Station.

The original location for the project was on Newton Road, but due to environmental issues, the location was moved. The commissioners state the environmental risk hasn’t gone away, noting the impact on local neighborhoods, schools and churches.

“Simply put the environmental challenges to Sabal Trail with the new Oakridge Drive location are either as great or greater than those challenges that existed at the Newton Road site,” the letter states.

The letter goes on to point out individual environmental factors such as soil, water resources and impacts on vegetation.

The letter concludes stating, “We continue to submit to FERC that Sabal Trail’s Application for Construction Permit should be denied.

That story says there was a deadline for ecomments to FERC, but more have appeared on the FERC website today, including a letter from the City of Albany. You can still ecomment to FERC, and you can ask Governor Deal to oppose Sabal Trail like he opposes the Palmetto pipeline.


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