Tag Archives: divestment

The end is peace and peace must be the path.

We must resist and oppose the Sabal Trail Pipeline, but not with violence. The means are the ends in the making. The end is peace and peace must be the path.

I should point out that at this time it remains unclear whether the gunman near Dunnellon was intentionally firing at the pipeline or was a water protector. It’s also important to question the veracity of the initial reports, whether this man even discharged a firearm as alleged. All the water protectors I’ve met at the Sabal Trail Pipeline construction sites and water camps are completely committed to nonviolence.

Here is our peaceful strategy to stop fracking, endless drilling, and endless construction of pipeline that threaten water, our most precious natural resource: Divestment from fossil fuels and pipeline companies and #BankExit from the banks that are funding them. Let’s invest in solar power and other renewable energy technologies, and socially responsible financial institutions like community banks and credit unions. These are constructive actions for all of us, and they are peaceful.

–Tim Canova, SpectraBusters Board Member, with approval of the board

Seize the opportunity to end fossil fuels and soar with sun, wind, and water power

The opportunity is here right now, with oil and gas dropping while solar power goes up like a rocket. We can end the century-long domination of fossil fuels and get on with a cleaner, safer, more prosperous world powered by sun, wind, and water. Oh, and pry those clammy oily hands off our political systems while we’re at it. Solar power is going to win anyway. And we have the opportunity to speed that victory fast enough to stop the fracking-junkie pipeline push, including stopping Sabal Trail and the Palmetto Pipeline.

Jon Queally, Commondreams, 25 March 2015, Naomi Klein: Shock of Oil Price Plunge Is Opportunity World Must Seize,

“Sometimes capitalism gives us a gift, and the sudden drop in oil prices is one of them. Think of what we could do, in rolling out renewable energy, for instance. We could take power and wealth generation away from multinationals and put it into the hands of communities. And we could ensure that the jobs paid a living wage and went to the people who need it most. The same goes for our food and transit systems.”

Continue reading Seize the opportunity to end fossil fuels and soar with sun, wind, and water power

VSU S.A.V.E. protest for fossil fuel divestiture and against Sabal Trail pipeline

The cookout at Valdosta State made the news, with SpectraBusters.org No Pipeline signs.

Winnie Wright, WCTV, 12 February 2015, VSU Students Protest Against Controversial Pipeline,

Adrianna Taylor of SAVE [Students Against Violating the Environment] says, “We’re uniting all of the global divestment groups from across the world and trying to make a message to the fossil fuel industry and to local governments that we want change. We want you guys to divest from fossil fuels and make the switch to alternative fuels.”

Taylor also says the organization hopes the University will pledge not to invest any more money in fossil fuels.

Resolutions against the Sabal Trail pipeline have already been passed by Lowndes County, Valdosta, and five other counties and one other city (Albany) in Georgia and Florida. VSU divesting its fossil fuels would send another signal.

Also, how about Continue reading VSU S.A.V.E. protest for fossil fuel divestiture and against Sabal Trail pipeline

Cookout at VSU for Global Divestment –S.A.V.E.

300x388 Flyer, in Global Divestment Day Cookout, by S.A.V.E., for SpectraBusters.org, 12 February 2015 Fracking for fossil fuels causes new pipelines and LNG export, and without investment none of that will happen.

S.A.V.E. flyer:

Come celebrate with S.A.V.E as we take part in the Global Divestment Day Movement! Come learn about divestment from fossil fuels and how the VSU community can get involved to better our future!!!

Where?VSU Palms Quad
When?Feb. 12, 2015
What time?1pm-3pm

What is Global Divestment Day? Continue reading Cookout at VSU for Global Divestment –S.A.V.E.