This is the denied application Kevin Bowman gave me, and that John Peconom also gave me:
Turtle Bayou Gas Storage Company, LLC Docket No. CP10-481-000
1. On August 9, 2010, Turtle Bayou Gas Storage Company, LLC (Turtle Bayou) filed an application in Docket No. CP10-481-000 under section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA),1 requesting a certificate of public convenience and necessity under Part 157, Subpart A, of the Commission’s regulations2 authorizing the construction and operation of a salt dome natural gas storage facility and associated pipeline facilities in Chambers and Liberty Counties, Texas. In addition, Turtle Bayou seeks a blanket certificate under Part 157, Subpart F, of the Commission’s regulations to engage in certain eligible construction activities3 and a blanket certificate under Part 284, Subpart G, of the regulations to provide open-access transportation services, including storage service.4 Turtle Bayou also requests authority to charge market-based rates for its storage services, and accordingly seeks a waiver of certain filing, accounting, and reporting requirements. As discussed below, the Commission denies Turtle Bayou’s application for the requested certificate authorizations.
1 15 U.S.C. ยง 717f(c) (2006).
2 18 C.F.R. Part 157 (2011).
3 Id.
4 18 C.F.R. Part 284 (2011).
There’s also this: Continue reading Turtle Bayou Gas Storage Company Denied by FERC