Apparently Williams Company’s Atlantic Sunrise pipeline wasn’t enough to push Marcellus Shale fracked methane through Transco to Sabal Trail: Spectra Energy has bought directly into that action through yet another Pennsylvania pipeline.
PennEast also announced 17 October 2014 it prefiled as FERC docket PF15-1-000.
And PennEast listed some Open Houses 10,12,13, and 18 November 2014 in Pennsylvania and New Jersey,
so friends and colleagues may want to go there and object,
many did at the Atlantic Sunrise PF14-8 Scoping Meetings.
FERC’s ecomment system has been flooded with objections ever since the pre-filing of 7 October 2014, such as
this one of 9 October 2014: Continue reading Spectra buys into PennEast Pipeline for Marcellus Shale fracked gas to Transco