Tag Archives: Tampa

Sabal Trail pipe on trucks 2016-08-11

Bill Sagues reports:

Looks like 36-inch pipe
Photo: Bill Sagues Creative Commons License

Driving to Tampa from Tallahassee and back I saw over a half a dozen of these trucks heading east and south on I-10 east and I-75 south yesterday 8/11/16.

I suppose that could be somebody else’s pipe, but Sabal Trail announced back in November 2014, before it even entered the formal FERC filing process, that it had contracted to buy its pipe from Berg Pipe of Mobile, AL and Panama City, FL. Sabal Trail’s press releases didn’t mention, but Berg’s owner Salzgitter Group even earlier did, that “The two companies in Panama City and Mobile are subsidiaries of EUROPIPE GmbH, Mülheim, Germany, a joint venture of Salzgitter AG and AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke.” So the pipe purchase profits go to Germany. And even Sabal Trail couldn’t come up with a press release about this for Georgia, because there are no economic benefits to Georgia. Even the temporary pipe jobs in Florida and Alabama are just that: temporary. Continue reading Sabal Trail pipe on trucks 2016-08-11

Sabal Trail to TECO to Jaxport for LNG export?

Marcellus Shale fracked methane through Atlantic Sunrise to Transco to Sabal Trail to TECO to Jaxport for LNG export? And maybe an explanation for why Sempra Energy, like Spectra Energy, donated to both GA Gov. Nathan Deal’s and AL Gov. Robert Bentley’s re-election campaigns. Sempra apparently wants to export Marcellus Shale gas from Jacksonville, and Sabal Trail is the proposed conduit for that through Alabama and Georgia to Florida.

John Burr wrote for Jacksonville Business Journal 10 March 2014, TECO Peoples Gas looks to expand natural gas pipeline to Jacksonville, Continue reading Sabal Trail to TECO to Jaxport for LNG export?

Port Dolphin off Tampa already approved by FERC for LNG import

Offshore deepwater LNG import project Port Dolphin was approved by FERC in 2009, despite interventions by a long list of other pipeline companies, FPL, and other entities. FERC granted Port Dolphin permission to interconnect with Gulfstream and Florida Gas Transmission, the two pipelines FPL requires Sabal Trail to connect to. What if Port Dolphin files to export LNG, as so many other import-permitted projects are doing?

Port Dolphin’s own website doesn’t seem to be responding. The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine has a cached copy from 12 January 2014, with this map:

Manatee Chamber of Commerce lists Port Dolphin’s contact information as: Continue reading Port Dolphin off Tampa already approved by FERC for LNG import