A bit of publicity about pipeline opposition.
Carlton Fletcher wrote for the Albany Herald Friday 1 Nov 2013, ‘Spectrabusters’ opposes 465-mile Alabama-Georgia-Florida natural gas pipeline: A proposed natural gas pipeline through Dougherty County could distribute a billion cubic feet of gas daily, noting under a pipeline map,
The proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline could potentially come through a portion of Dougherty County.
The story did not include this Spectra map of Dougherty County:
In the Albany Herald story:
But if a determined and growing list of landowners in Georgia, Florida and Alabama have a say in the matter, no Spectra Energy-financed shovelful of earth will ever be turned.
A grassroots group calling itself Spectrabusters has grown from common concern over issues surrounding the Sabal Trail Pipeline, and the group clearly states its platform on the spectrabusters.org website: “This site is dedicated to sharing information about the pipeline and working with people from across the area to make sure this unnecessary pipeline is never built.”
The spectrabusters.org website is a clearinghouse site for all issues surrounding the proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline that would supply natural gas for energy conversion by Florida Power & Light Co. Most of the concerns center around the environmental and economic impact the pipeline would have on property in Georgia and Alabama and the safety record of Spectra Energy.
The article quotes from Tim Bland’s FERC comment:
They seem fond of reminding us that they have the rights to imminent domain and that if we do not cooperate they will just take our land.
The article also notes
the post about Gasland II showing at VSU (7PM Thursday 7 November 2013; thanks SAVE!)
No Gas Pipeline’s lawsuit in New Jersey.
A Florida surveyor in Albany this week to begin work on the pipeline said, “There’s generally this kind of uproar when we work on a project, and even after we get through with the work the company often doesn’t even use the pathway that we survey.”
Spectra’s Sabal Trail Transmission office for South Georgia is in Albany.
A member of Spectrabusters, who asked that his/her name not be published, said he/she is still refusing to cooperate with Spectra representatives even as the threat of imminent domain proceedings mount.
“They send me letters, and they call, but I still say no,” the anti-pipeline activist said. “They haven’t explained to my satisfaction how this pipeline will impact my property, and until I’m satisfied that it’s completely safe, I will continue to say no.
“It’s starting to seem like we’re losing our rights that the Constitution guarantees us, but as of right now, we as Americans still have the right to say no.”
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