Filed with FERC 2 December 2013:
James & Tracy Ryder, Tallahassee, FL.
We have been contacted by Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC regarding their proposed natural gas pipeline. In their contacts with us, they requested permission to survey our property in reference to one of the proposed corridors since we are already encumbered with the SONAT pipeline that run through the middle of our property. We were told that we should sign the consent because they would use eminent domain to access our property against our will if need be. In a public meeting we were told they were putting in a 24″ line that would provide gas to mid and south Florida. We have later learned that they are intending to put in a 36″ line that would not serve Florida, but would provide for exports from Florida. Sabal Trail has not been providing accurate, or clear information to the public regarding these pipeline endeavors. When we asked about alternate corridors, we were told they would not consider the alternate corridor that was originally proposed due to the fact that there were many people impacted.
Seriously, Brooks County may be the home to many a farmer and lower income folks, but I assure they are people and don’t deserve to be exploited for the potential gains in revenue and exportation of our limited natural resources. Natural gas is a limited resource which we should use at home to limit our dependency on foreign imports. We do not feel that the Sabal Trail project should proceed until there if full disclosure and discussion of alternate corridors and informing the people of the impact the pipeline will impose upon their property usage, evaluation and potential dangers.
We truly do not feel that Brooks County is sufficiently prepared to cope with a pipeline disaster, particularly when the proposed 36″ high-pressure line will be laid within 50′ of the SONAT line which is in our estimation not of sufficient distance to prevent damage to the both lines increasing the impact area. Currently to our knowledge none of these issues have been discussed by community leaders and relayed to the public…Please stop work on this project. 12/2/2013
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