Colquitt County is actively investigating legal options about
the methane pipeline Spectra Energy wants to gouge through here.
Other county attorneys could be as active.
Alan Mauldin wrote for The Moultrie Observer 8 February 2014, County commission meetings to focus on Sabal Trail pipeline,
Colquitt County Commission will receive updates Monday and Tuesday on a proposed natural gas pipeline that could pass through the county.
County Attorney Lester Castellow, who reently met with his counterparts from Brooks, Doughterty and Lowndes counties, is scheduled to address commissioners about the project during a Monday afternoon commission work session.
And representatives of Sabal Trail, the company that is building an Alabama-to-Florida gas pipeline will address commissoiners at Tuesday night’s commission meeting.
“Basically we’re going to be discussing what a local govermnent can and cannot do relative to the planning and construction of an interstate gas pipeline,” Castellow said during a Friday telephone interview.
It’s on the agenda for the 12 noon Monday 10 February 2014 Work Session:
3. Lester Castellow, County Attorney – Potential Options for Sabal Trail Natural Gas Pipeline
That’s at Room 261-C, Courthouse Annex, 101 East Central Avenue, Moultrie, GA 31768.
Colquitt County’s calendar doesn’t say when the Tuesday 11 February Regular Session will be, but the previous one was at 7PM. Presumably the Regular Session will have an agenda similar to the Work Session.
The newspaper story concludes:
Sabal Trail has held three informational information meetings in Colquitt County.
The proposed project has drawn opposition from those whose property it would traverse.
Any entry onto either of these two properties will be deemed a trespass –Sandra Jones to FERC
I just don’t think they should be allowed to deface my property –Irvin Allegood to FERC.
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