Filed with FERC 30 September 2014:
City of Albany
Post Office Box 447
Albany, Georgia
Dorothy B. Hubbard
Office: 229.431.3244
FAX: 229.878.3198September 16, 2014
Ms. Cheryl A. LaFleur, Chairman
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426RE: FERC Docket #PF-14-l-Sabal Trail Transmissions, LLC
Dear Chairman LaFleur.
On Monday, September 15, 2014, in regular meeting, the Dougherty County Commissioners, city officials and citizens discussed the proposed Sabal Trail natural gas pipeline that will pass through Dougherty County, Georgia. Based on that discussion, I herewith offer the following comments to you for your consideration:
As Mayor of Albany, I adamantly object to the alignment as proposed. In working with the citizens of Albany/Dougherty County, the comments received are not in support of the proposed alignment. Speciļ¬c objections are the location ofthe compression station which will be within feet of the City of Albany’s Water, Gas and Light facility that is located on Lily Pond Road. The citizens and city/county elected officials feel that there is a failure to look at other alternatives and respectfully ask that this project be put on hold until the concerns and questions have been addressed.
Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this matter.
Dorothy B. Hubbard
xc: Congressman Sanford Bishop Dougherty County Commission Chairman Jeff Sinyard Mr. Hein J. Mueller, Chief US EPA/NEPA Program Ms. Beth Walls, Project Manager Mr. Judson H. Turner, Director GDNR — EPD/Air Pollution Branch FER Commissioners: Norman C. Bay, John R. Norris, Tony Clark and Philip D. Moeller
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