At the Alabama Sierra Club Retreat this weekend at Lakepoint State Park
near Eufaula, I’ll be speaking and doing Q&A for an hour:
10AM Saturday 1 November 2014.
If you’re anywhere near Eufaula, Alabama this weekend,
I highly recommend coming to this retreat: it’s got lots
of great talks and activities.
What do you important points do you think I should mention? What graphics can you send me to include in the slides? No rush: leaving Friday morning, so if you could get me your materials by tomorrow (Thursday), that would be great.
FYI, I will be talking about at least the Sierra Club tri-state (AL-GA-FL) statement against the pipeline, about item #9 in the Georgia Water Coalition Dirty Dozen: Sabal Trail pipeline threatens Withlacoochee River and Floridan Aquifer, about the glut of fracked gas seeking LNG export, and about the recent and increasing bad press for Sabal Trail and Spectra’s other pipelines, plus what can be done (ecomment and intervene with FERC, talk to your local, state, and national elected officials, the press, and your neighbors). What else?
Program and PDF Brochure. Lakepoint Resort State Park is located 7 miles north of Eufaula, Alabama, off US 431, on the Chattahoochee River. For south Georgia folks, that’s west on US 82 until you get to Eufaula, then north on 431. For Florida folks, that’s north up I-75 to US 82, then west, etc. For Alabama folks, it’s east on US 82 and north on 431. Or go for directions.
Short Link: