And of course our own Laura gave her usual valuable insights! An excellent presentation by OSFR well attended except by Suwannee County citizens. Columbia County voted to have their attorney consult with Alachua County to draft a resolution or ordinance against fracking and related issues. Thank you Merrillee, Jim and all the members of OSFR and other groups for a concise and excellent presentation. Now for the rest of North Florida counties… Like Suwannee County
Our Santa Fe River, 15 January 2015, Columbia Commissioners Take First Step,
And a giant step it was. The far-sighted and open-minded commissioners listened attentively and with interest to the detailed, informative and professionally delivered Power Point presentation by OSFR president Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson giving the many reasons for adopting an ordinance banning fracking in Columbia Co. There was a unanimous vote to draft said ordinance for advancement in this process.
Merrillee had a lot of help from local residents and some from far and wide who drove from neighboring counties, and from Orlando, Tallahassee and North Port in order to support OSFR’s request.
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