Update 2015-05-10: Added case number, judge’s address, and directions.
Sabal Trail has sued another dozen landowners, and one case comes to trial 9:30 AM May 28th 2015 at the Courthouse Annex in Moultrie, Georgia. They want to gouge their pipeline right through the middle of a Georgia Centennial Family Farm in Colquitt County. The judge will be Larry Salmon from far-away Rome, Georgia. The landowner asks for people to come to the courtroom for support, 101 E Central Ave, Moultrie, GA 31768. Facebook event.
Address for Letters
Honorable Larry Salmon
Re: Civil Action No. 15-CV-0135
c/o Ms. Lynn Purvis
9 South Main Street
Colquitt County Courthouse
2nd Floor, Room 214
Moultrie, Georgia 31768
A local says:The courthouse is in the center of town with one way streets around it. It was built in the 1800’s and has the reputation of being one of the most beautiful in the state. The Annex was built within the past 10 years and is a red brick two story building on the northeast corner across the street. There is a bronze statue of a World War II soldier sitting on a park bench in front. You won’t miss it.
Help this landowner and help yourself.
Short Link:
I wish the family all the best tomorrow and will be praying that the
Honorable Larry Salmon will act on behalf of the families involved.
I will hope that he will see the determent of such a project that will
undoubtedly do more harm than good. Our landscapes can only provide
us with so many natural resources and once there gone there gone for ever.
I wish I could be there to show our support….as we continue to endure
the same potential losses here in Kissimmee, Florida.
All the best to the Centennial Farm and all the other landowners.