Albany and Dougherty County are more opposed than ever to the invader from Houston.
Carlton Fletcher, Albany Herald, 11 July 2015, Silent protest focuses on pipeline issues: Citizens gather to oppose natural gas pipeline, compressor station,
Even as a group of around 50 anti-pipeline activists gathered Saturday for a “silent protest” near the proposed site of a compressor station that would be part of the 460-mile Sabal Trail natural gas pipeline, an assumed candidate for the Albany City Commission said it’s time Albany and Dougherty County officials started looking for ways that the pipeline can benefit the community.
Chad Warbington, a businessman who is serving his second term on the Albany Utility Board and has been mentioned as a likely candidate to challenge Roger Marietta for the City Commission’s Ward IV seat in the Nov. 3 municipal election, said he’s disappointed no one has talked with Sabal Trail officials to determine how the proposed $3.5 billion pipeline can benefit the city and county.
“I’m not trying to upset or get into an argument with property owners who will be impacted directly by the pipeline; they have a very good case in point in opposing it,” Warbington said. “But it’s becoming more and more apparent that the pipeline is coming. If that’s the case, we need to be looking at how greater Albany and Dougherty County can benefit.
It’s because of that kind of accomodation to invaders from another state that Sabal Trail even has a chance.
Dinorah Hall, a landowner whose property would be directly impacted by the pipeline if it is constructed as currently designed, reiterated her claim this week that Sabal Trail has not “engaged in a healthy dialog with the community.” She expressed frustration that when Sabal Trail-hired engineers came onto hers and other landowners’ property to conduct surveys under order of Dougherty Superior Court Judge Denise Marshall, Dougherty County law enforcement officers accompanied them onto the land.
“The judge ordered us to let them onto our land for the surveys, and we complied,” Hall said. “There was no need for law enforcement to accompany them onto our land. We’re law-abiding citizens. (Law enforcement’s) presence gave the impression that they were needed to enforce the law. Sabal Trail just wanted to show their power.”
With Marietta, County Commissioner Ewell Lyle and State Rep. Darrel Ealum among the crowd on hand for Saturday’s silent protest, individual participants said they continue to have safety concerns about the pipeline and compressor station.
“People live here, and there’s no question their lives will be disrupted by this proposed compressor station,” protester Robert Sheridan said. “No one’s saying so, but people living in some of these mobile homes around here will most likely have to relocate.”
Spectra’s Andrea Grover continued variations of her line about the compressor station being no louder than “a modern-day dishwasher.” This time she said “negligible” and “adequate noise control measures in place.” That and only a few people would be within a mile of the compressor station. Why should anyone accept an unnecessary and hazardous compressor station or pipeline within any distance? Also:
“While these pipelines and their facilities coexist with no impacts to the community, in comparison Sabal Trail’s pipeline and new compressor station are located in more rural areas.”
Rural property and lives also count, I think.
And remember what
Searsmont, Maine residents said about Spectra’s compressor station there:
“We’ve been lied to!”
and “not good enough” and “you’re showering us with chemicals”.
“The most terrifying experience.”
Back to the Albany Herald story:
“Our citizens still have an opportunity to let FERC know how they feel about this project,” Marietta said Saturday. “Commenting online is something of a process, but I urge everyone to have patience and follow the process through. They can comment at and must (follow prompts to) ‘contact’ and ‘new comment.’
“They’re required to give the docket number, which is CP15-17-000. I encourage our citizens to let FERC know how they feel.”
Here’s step by step How to send an ecomment to FERC.
And don’t forget to sign the Petition to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal: Oppose Sabal Trail like you oppose the Palmetto Pipeline.
Short Link:
please contact FERC and leave an ecomment opposed to the Sabal Trail pipeline
It seems like Chad Warbington sold out the African American and poor communities that will be devastated by the pipeline compressor station. I assume that is why he lost the campaign against Roger Marietta, the environmentalist Commissioner who has fought the pipeline and compressor station tooth and nail.