Get your comments in ASAP to GA-EDP about the proposed Sabal Trail Albany
compressor station air quality permit: the deadline is Friday August 7th.
Roger Marietta suggested, you can ask for a public hearing, as well.
That’s the same date WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. will be sending a petition for a hearing to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection about FL-DEP’s intent to issue a permit for Sabal Trail to gouge through Florida waters, including boring under the Suwannee, Santa Fe, and Withlacoochee (central) Rivers. WWALS got an extension until that date. Anyone who wants to help with that, please contact
Don’t forget to call Georgia Governor Deal and sign the petition to him.
EPD Public Advisory for the Week of July 6, 2015 (PA0715-2),
Georgia Department of Natural Resources sent this bulletin at 07/08/2015 01:52 PM EDT
The following applications have been received for Air Quality Permits.
These applications are presently under review. Any comments should be received by 07-August-2015
Facility Name: Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC – Albany Compressor Station
Application No: 23350
Facility Address: 2604 W. Oakridge Drive, Albany, 31721 (Dougherty)
EPD Notice Type: Permit – Application.
Description of Operation: Natural Gas Pipeline Compressor Station
Reason for Application: Construction of interstate natural gas pipeline and associated compressor station
For additional information, contact Eric Cornwell, Program Manager, Stationary Source Permitting Program, Air Protection Branch, 4244 International Parkway, Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia 30354, (404) 363-7000.
This public advisory is not listed in GA-EPD’s press releases web page, although many state waters buffers variances are listed, plus a few land branch notices. The announcement and public notice links produce nothing. Searching on the GA-EPD site for the application number or the advisory number or sabal trail gets no useful search results.
Searching on the Air Protection Branch’s own website permit search engine,, does show they know the name “SABAL TRAIL TRANSMISSION, LLC – ALBANY COMPRESSOR STATION” but the results are:
No records to display.
Looking under Georgia Title V Permit Applications for the letter S gets a long list, but no Sabal Trail. Nothing under A for Albany, C for Compressor, or D for Dougherty, either.
Apparently if you want to see what GA-EPD has for a given application, you have to go to their office in Atlanta in person to see it, according to the boilerplate at the bottom of this advisory:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The draft permits and permit amendments and all information used to develop the draft permits and permit amendments are available for review. This includes the application, all relevant supporting materials and all other materials available to the permitting authority used in the permit review process. This information is available for review at the office of the Air Protection Branch, 4244 International Parkway, Atlanta Tradeport—Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia 30354. Copies of the draft permits or permit amendments, narratives, application summaries, and (in most cases) permit applications are also available at our Internet site, Also available at this Internet site is a copy of the public notice, as it will appear in the legal organ of the county where the facility is located.
If a permit application is not available at our Internet site, the public notice will indicate where a copy of these documents will be available at a location near the facility.
Persons wishing to comment on a draft Initial Title V Operating Permit, Title V Significant Modification, Title V Operating Permit Renewal, or other Title V Permit proceedings are required to submit their comments, in writing, to EPD at the above Atlanta Air Protection Branch address. Comments must be received by no later than the deadline indicated for the particular facility. (Should the comment period end on a weekend or holiday, comments will be accepted up until the next working day.) All comments received on or prior to the deadline will be considered by the Division in making its final decision to issue the Title V permit or permit amendment.
Any requests for a public hearing must be made prior to the deadline indicated for the particular facility. A request for a hearing should be in writing and should specify, in as much detail as possible, the portion of the Georgia Rules for Air Quality Control or the Federal Rules which the individual making the request is concerned may not have been adequately incorporated. A public hearing may be held if the Director of the EPD finds that such a hearing would assist the EPD in a proper review of the facility’s ability to comply with the Federal and State air quality regulations.
For additional information, contact Eric Cornwell, Program Manager, Stationary Source Permitting Program, Air Protection Branch, 4244 International Parkway, Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia 30354, (404) 363-7000.
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