If you had any doubt the fossil fuel industry wants to export fracked methane
to China, India, Korea, Japan, etc., from everywhere it can, read this article about
Cheniere Energy’s plans to export from Sabine Pass, Corpus Christi, and Freeport, Texas,
from Cameron Parish and Hackberry, Louisiana, and from Cove Point, Maryland.
“Train” as used here just means a method of shipment, apparently by pipeline.
Housley Carr, RBN Energy, 17 June 2015, Begin The Sabine—Delivering Gas To The Lower 48’s First LNG Export Terminal,
We’ll get to gas procurement in a bit—suffice it to say for now that all LNG exporters are looking for diversity in the supply basins their gas will be coming from.
Which pipelines the fracked methane would come from is hidden behind a paywall. However, Spectra Energy’s CEO Greg Ebel specifically mentioned Cheniere’s Sabine Pass when he said Spectra expects to export.
Cheniere’s Sabine Pass was also mentioned by EPA back in April 2014 as an option to export LNG from there to import it to Port Dolphin in Florida, avoiding building another pipeline. But since the prices would be higher in Asia, Cheniere doesn’t even mention Florida or Port Dolphin as a possible destination. Housley Carr, RBN Energy, 9 June 2015, A Whole New World—The Evolution Of The Asian LNG Market,
Our tour of this “whole new world” of LNG started in Episode 1 with a look at how the market for LNG evolved gradually over the last 50-odd years, and how it remains dominated (at least in Asia, but elsewhere too) by long-term LNG supply deals. In Episode 2 we ran through the major catalysts shaking up the LNG trade (they include more LNG capacity coming online; LNG export deals with fixed liquefaction tolls and gas costs linked to U.S. spot market prices at Henry Hub, LA; the oil-price decline and its effect on oil-indexed LNG prices; the roll-off of long-term LNG supply deals; the increasing share of LNG capacity available to the spot market; the recent slump in Asian LNG demand-and prices that have occasionally made Western Europe a more attractive market for spot LNG sales). Then we looked at existing and future demand in key Asian markets, starting with emerging LNG importing giants China and India (Episode 3) and then continuing with current leaders Japan and Korea (Episode 4) and with the rest of the Asian pack (Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam etc.; Episode 5), all of which plan to ramp up their LNG imports.
Are we really to believe with the whole fracking-driven fossil industry aiming to export to Asia from everywhere they can; are we really to believe Sabal Trail’s gas won’t get exported from Florida, when there are three already-approved LNG export operations right where it goes, long before Sabal Trail can ever deliver any gas?
PS: Thanks to Lisa Stewart for the tip.
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