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Here’s what SpectraBusters
filed with FERC 27 October 2015 as
Accession Number 20151027-5032, “Supplemental Information of SpectraBusters, Inc. under CP15-17.To ask that FERC ceases descions based on incomplete and faulty DEIS by Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC. We also ask that FERC extend public comment period.” (PDF)
Spectrabusters, Inc.
Debra Johnson — Board MemberTo: John Peconom — Project Manager, Environmental Biologist at FERC
Spectrabusters, Inc. would like to respectfully request that FERC defer any decisions concerning the DEIS for the Sabal Trail pipeline project, Docket #CP-17-000, based on the fact that all necessary information to determine the validity of the DEIS/EIS is incomplete as final submissions from other governmental agencies, pending court rulings and Sabal Trail have not been submitted.
Please refer to the ongoing actions below that would impact the DEIS.
The Army Corps of Engineers has not completed their public comment period and has extended their comment period to December 11, 2015. Thus results are not complete.
There is a pending air quality hearing for the compressor station in Albany, Georgia.
There is a pending decision in Florida by an Administrative Judge, Case No. 15-4975, concerning the validity of the decision to bore under the Suwannee River. WWALS vs. Sabal Trail and FLA DEP.
Comments recently submitted to FERC in the past few days from Senators, State Legislators, local governments have not had time to be considered.
An error in the DEIS concerning Sabal Trail’s submission on the pipeline route shows alarming errors — please refer to ecomment from Christopher Mericle # 20151026-5043 — excerpt is here:
“On September 30, 2015 Sabal Trail filed with FERC "Comments on the Southeast Market Pipelines Project" Accession number 20150930-5037. Within this filing there is "Table 6.5-1 Karst features within .25 miles of the pipeline". This table apparently identifies all Karst features within .25 miles of the pipeline for the entire route. The filing of this information is well after the release of the DEIS. How can a complete evaluation be performed with the information included within the table 6.5-1 omitted from the review process. Furthermore, after careful review I determined that the table 6.5-1 is referring to the abandoned route across the Withlacoochee River, not the current proposed route, an 11 mile reroute under the Suwannee River and State Park.”
Based on these and additional pending hearings, ruling by agencies and courts, Spectrabusters, Inc. requests that any final decision based on the incomplete DEIS be deferred. We also wish to request, based on above findings, that FERC extend the public comment period on the pending Sabal Trail DEIS.
Spectrabusters, Inc’s. final stance on the Sabal Trail pipeline is that this pipeline should be denied based on the lack of need or necessity for the public and the valid concerns for human health and safety as well as the dangers to our environment and water supply in Alabama, Georgia and Florida.
Debra Johnson
SpectraBusters Board Member
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