Live Oak, February 10, 2016 — The date has been set to go see
where Spectra Energy of Houston Texas has been permitted by the
Federal Energy Regulatory (FERC) in Washington, DC to drill under
the Suwannee River for its Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline
despite widespread local opposition. The Suwannee Board of County
Commissioners already voted a resolution to move Sabal Trail’s
compressor station. Still mulling stronger action, the SBOCC agreed
at a recent meeting to go with local guides, including WWALS Watershed Coalition board member Chris Mericle, on a hike with the
public to where FERC said construction monitoring was important for
the river and our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer, but Sabal
Trail should be left to self-monitor. The day and time have been
set: 8:15 AM Thursday February 18, 2016.
All interested individuals will meet at:
Judicial Annex Building
218 Parshley St SW
Live Oak, FL 32064
There will be a Suwannee Valley Transit bus to carry people to the site. The bus is available for officials and the public to ride based on capacity, thus you may want to follow in your vehicle if necessary.
Note this is a hike through woods near the river in sinkhole filled terrain, so please wear appropriate shoes and clothing. You may also want to bring water to drink.
This hike will be very telling by what you see rather than what Sabal Trail has said concerning sinkholes in their pipeline route.
People can also sign up on the WWALS facebook event or the meetup event so others will know they’re coming:
And if you missed the movie, “At What Cost? Pipelines, you can see it online:
SpectraBusters, Inc., Spectrabusters is a citizen organized, citizen
run organization that spans multiple counties and states to oppose
the Sabal Trail pipeline and to promote solar power.
WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. is the Waterkeeper® Alliance Affiliate for the Suwannee River. WWALS
advocates for conservation and stewardship of the Withlacoochee, Willacoochee, Alapaha, Little, and Upper Suwannee River watersheds in south Georgia and north Florida through awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen activities.
Debra Johnson, SpectraBusters board member
John S. Quarterman, President, WWALS Watershed Coalition
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