Waiting for Ted Yoho FL-03 to ask the Corps for a SEIS like he said he would Video by Debra Johnson for SpectraBusters, at Suwannee River State Park, May 15th 2016.
Congressman Ted Yoho, Press Release, May 18th 2016, Yoho Statement on Proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline,Washington D.C. — Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) released the following statement on the proposed Sabal Trail pipeline: “After reviewing the multiple studies performed by the geological engineers and reading the reports and opinions of the many agencies involved in the permitting of the Sabal Trail pipeline, I believe the questions and concerns involving the pipeline have been answered satisfactorily. “When infrastructure projects are proposed, much anxiety develops. To give the appropriate authorities the opportunity to put these fears to easy, projects like this take a long time to get approval. “After the required hearings, studies, engineering testing, and comment periods, multiple agencies (such as EPA, Federal EPA, State EPA, FERC, NEPA, Army Corp and a host of other agencies) can weigh in and approve the project. This process should give all concerned a certain level of comfort and trust. After all, these agencies provide the most stringent reviewers of any project. “I believe the Sabal Trail organization has met these criteria. It has already under gone Administrative court reviews and has satisfied these reviews. Therefore, we should feel more than confident that this pipeline has met the highest standards. “Once completed, this project will help fulfill the future requirements of Florida’s growing energy needs for years to come while protecting our sensitive environment.”
Short Link:
I live right beside where the pipeline would go and there are many active sinks around the pipeline
There are many sinkholes up and down the Sabal Trail pipeline route. Especially at the Suwannee State Park river crossing at which they are proposing to bore under the river. I am sorry to hear the pipeline crosses your property.
Yoho took a $3500 campaign contribution from SPECTRA, which explains his change of heart after meeting with their LOBBYISTS. Don’t expect any help from YOHO!