All posts by Debra Johnson

Florida Small Scale LNG – Two High Risk Chemical Experiments Upon Citizens

This is a continuation, with updates of,  a previous blog entitled  – LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas & Small Scale Processing Facilities – Action Needed dated 09/24/2017. The DOE passed the small – scale LNG processing facility rule for Florida with 40 of the ‘for’ comments being duplicates which were submitted via the Federal Register. What do we expect in today’s political/corporate climate?

Note this is an excerpt of just some of the points in a comprehensive report written by Dr. Fred Millar – please see his full document below for more detailed information. This is also a shout out to Florida’s media outlets. It is your job to let the citizens of Florida know if their lives are threatened.

Dr. Millar Interview at Toxic Train Conference in 2010

As we know, FERC has abdicated it’s role of regulating these inland small – scale LNG processing facilities “because the facilities do not load directly onto a pipeline or ship bound for foreign ports”. Three Federal Agencies have gone against congressional rules and refuse to regulate these disasters waiting to happen. State agencies simply say “Well it is up to the Feds”.  I and others think not – we the people better get a handle on this development before we become the guinea pigs for a bad experiment as stated in the title above and in his paper below by hazardous railway accident expert Dr. Fred Millar who has been working with Florida’s own LNG expert, Cecile Scofield (see bios below).

This leaves unregulated train and truck transportation of LNG, siting of LNG facilities, and an emergency response infrastructure not prepared for a disaster of, for instance, a train wreck on the FECL involving LNG being transported to Jacksonville Fla through densely populated areas from Miami to Jacksonville, Fla.  All for the goal of exporting fracked gas through Florida to other countries and be damned anyone whose life may get in the oil industry’s way! I do not know about you but I find it alarming that an industry can manipulate the US Government to risk the lives of millions of it’s citizens for the short term profit of a few, evidently including members of our ‘government’.

The First High Risk LNG Processing Experiment – In Populated Areas

  1. Since the adoption by the DOE of unregulated small – scale LNG facilities this past February,  brand new LNG processing  facilities are being, sited, and built  in Florida on as little as 12 acres. To the alarm of many citizens and First Responders there are no emergency plans or buffer zones between the population and these volatile terminals with some being sited on just 12 acres. FERC requires a buffer zone of 1 to 9 miles for large -scale LNG – US LNG Export Facilities – and the nearest population.
  2. These small – scale LNG processing facilities will be the first of their kind in an urban environment involving the handling of large, unique and dangerous containers of Liquefied Natural Gas or LNG to be transported from inland processing facilities to large ports, such as Jaxport, for exporting to other countries.  There is another factor to be considered as these unregulated small -scale LNG processing plants nor the trains and trucks the LNG is transported on are protected from terrorists. In fact in both cases terrorism is a huge concern be it domestic or foreign.

The Second High Risk LNG Experiment – Rail Transportation Approval

  1. US agencies have quietly approved the first ever railway transportation of pressurized LNG in the lower 48 states and in an urban or populated area. As you will see when reading Dr. Millar’s report below there was one other small pilot program approved in a remote area of Alaska. They are allowing the Florida East Coast (FECL) railway to move daily 40 foot, 21 ton LNG tanks at 70 mph through highly populated areas and on the same tracks that carry the notoriously dangerous 110 mph Brightline passenger trains. All of this through numerous rail crossings where there have already been FECL accidents resulting in fatalities and through the many communities that are along the FECL tracks.
  2. Judges and the rail industry itself for many decades considered rail transport of LNG to be such a high risk that it was never allowed upon the railroad system. In fact the Federal Railroad Administration has never designed an approved LNG rail tank car but is now under strong oil industry pressure to do so. This new federal exemption for Florida’s FECL, not only allows LNG to fuel the locomotives but also allows LNG to be transported in attached flat cars with relatively flimsy 10,000 gallon ISO inter-modal containers.
    Please click continue for Dr. Millar’s full document on this clear and eminent danger to the citizens of Florida.

Continue reading Florida Small Scale LNG – Two High Risk Chemical Experiments Upon Citizens

Tim Canova – I Need Your Help Now, More Than Ever

Please watch this video from Tim Canova who is running against Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Please consider making a donation to his campaign in the next 3 days as a democratic progressive, an honest man who stood with us against Sabal Trail pipeline, supports banning fracking in Florida and so much more. Tim supports protecting our water, land and rights. He is concerned about the future for our children.

I think we all are aware of the improper, or even possible criminal acts that Debbie has committed as chair of DNC and her support of the status quo in Florida politics as well as her corporate donors. Her lack of support for environmental issues in Florida including her flip flopping on the Florida Fracking Ban we need here. As well as using her influence to shut the investigation in the Seth Rich murder case perhaps with help from her brother – a Assistant Us Attorney in DC who was the prosecutor in whistleblower Seth Rich’s case. Let us not forget Debbie even destroyed emails from DNC computers. There is so much more corruption surrounding Debbie Wasserman Schultz but you can research for yourself as this article is not about Debbie.

Tim Canova does not accept donations from corporate or big money, depending upon the growing grassroots movement – the people whom he will represent. That is Us. His average individual donation has been $22.00 and as of August 2016 he has received more than 200,000 donations!

Let us change the political corruption in Florida by supporting and voting for Tim Canova for Florida’s 23rd Congrssional District. Even if Tim is not in your district, we all know that he represents all of Florida as all members of congress do. Their decisions affect us all.

From Tim Conova

Dear Friend,

I wanted to take a minute to thank you for all that you’ve done in supporting our campaign to unseat Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a true Progressive who will fight every day for ordinary people, and not large corporations and special interests. Our quarterly reporting Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline is only 72 hours away. Please take a minute to watch a video I made for our supporters by clicking the image below.


Thank you for your support in this crucial moment for our campaign.

In Solidarity,

Tim Canova



LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas & Small Scale Processing Facilities-Action Needed

The Plan We Must Stop

This is the beginning of a series of blogs to educate the public about the dangers of LNG as well as to convince as many people that we can to object to this dangerous precedent by providing information about what LNG is and what you can do.

Small Scale LNG Truck Terminal
Small Scale LNG Truck Terminal

Liquefied Natural Gas or LNG and the proposed DOE rule that would allow unregulated, with no agency oversight, small scale processing facilities to pop up in your neighborhood endangering you, family, friends. By allowing LNG processing to be your neighbor, pass you in a semi, or be on the same train as you commute, or simply passing through the area you live in, you are at great risk.  We encourage you to comment to the Federal Registry Public Comment Concerning Unregulated Small Scale LNG Processing Facilities.

This a very dangerous and unhealthy addition of unregulated Continue reading LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas & Small Scale Processing Facilities-Action Needed

Sabal Trail Pipeline LLC – Pumping Water From Sante Fe River In North FLA

Water Levels are very low due to lack of rain but Sabal Trail pipeline is still pumping 100’s of Thousands gallons or water from the protected Sante Fe River.

This pumping began over a week ago after Sabal was denied further access to water at already FERC approved Beachville Mine due to owner being informed as to what they are doing with the water – use it to test and push pipe after HDD drilling UNDER the Sante FE River for over 2900′ Ft.

Water Protectors from Sacred Water Camp and Water Is Life Camp joined forces to slow the progress by direct action as they did these actions people on recon snapped the photos you see below.

Gilchrist County deputies and Sabal Trail Security have pushed people into barbed wired fences and physically attacked individuals who are exercising free speech on a PUBLIC Road and many times in the right of way. You may see videos of these actions on

Please join us or support us in these actions to protect our water – Water is Life! All info and videos can be found on the above Facebook page – note important info in pinned post including directions to Sacred Water Camp.

Suwannee County is a very large aquifer re-charge and dis-charge area for the Floridan Aquifer that is now very threatened. Suwannee County is also the home of 1,000’s of fresh Water Springs – Windows to the Aquifer with many 1st magnitude springs threatened by this fracked gas pipeline for export to other countries. Not to mention the wetlands that play a vital part of water filtration. Sabal Trail is dumping sludge, getting leaking equipment stuck — destroying close to 1,000 acres of wetlands.

Please report any violations that you may see and again join us or send support – see Facebook page please and pinned post in group.

This is just one spring in Suwannee County – Running Springs
Sabal Trail pump at Sante Fe which is filling Tanker Trucks
Sabal Trail Pipeline pumping Water From Sante Fe River


Sabal Trail Bi-weekly REPORT – 20161104-5117(31768039).pdf

Non-answers in Sabal Trail Biweekly Status Report 2016-11-04

What is Sabal Trail sending into the WIthlacoochee River between Quitman and Valdosta, GA? WWALS PR 2016-11-09



On Friday, November 4, 2016 at 8:57:59 PM UTC-4, Debra Johnson wrote:

Latest bi-weekly from Sabal Trail pipeline the corporate invaders threatening our lives, water, land to export fracked gas to other countries.

Hello from Sacred Water Camp


~~ Deb

Chemical Composition of Fracked & Piped

Just what is in ‘natural’ fracked and piped gas?

There are many variables in the chemical composition of natural gas. Depending on where it came from to what the receiver requires and what it going to be used for.

Certainly not a chemist, but the link and attachment contain info that may be helpful to those who want to know.



Sacredwatercamp Water Protectors Action in Live Oak FLA – Oct 20 2016

Reporting from #Sacredwatercamp in Live Oak Fl –  [edit] 10/28/2016

Action today At Sabal Trail/Enbridge pipeline construction site/Staging area in Live Oak Fl where they plan to bore under the Suwannee and Sante Fe Rivers. The Sante Fe they will HDD drill under within the next 2 days!

Please come and join us here is a map of current location near Spirit of Suwannee Music Park  @ 91st lane and 91st Dr Live Oak FL :,+Live+Oak,+FL+32060/@30.3287715,-82.8664355,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88eee1b0cf1ac38f:0x99ab9896807d8610!8m2!3d30.3925897!4d-82.934561

See pics below — here of today’s action

~~ Deb