FPL doubled down on a need
because it claims fracked methane is “clean”,
in its
FERC filing of 21 April 2014.
FPL says it is
“a strong supporter of solar power”
even though it
didn’t increase its solar capacity from 2010 to 2013
because of the lame baseload capacity excuse.
FPL says it knows nothing about
Export of Gas, even though
Floridian LNG, located next to FPL’s Martin County “Clean Energy” Center right at the end of the Transco-Sabal-FSC pipeline,
was approved for LNG export by the U.S. DoE Office Fossil Energy (FE)
14 November 2013,
Crowley Maritime’s Carib Energy
was approved for export from Florida by FE 27 July 2011.
And FPL says its ratepayers are not paying the costs
of the pipeline, even though FPL VP of development and external affairs Pam Rauch
argued in pring 29 July 2012 for a “Clean Energy” (fracked methane) Center at Cape Canaveral
that was one of several mentioned
by the Tampa Times 24 October 2014
as a reason for a new pipeline,
and that same Pam Rauch
filed PF14-2 with FERC for the Florida Southeast Connection (FSC) pipeline that connects from Sabal Trail to FPL’s
“Clean Energy” Center in Martin County, next to Floridian LNG.
FPL doesn’t seem to know what’s going on next to it,
and maybe not what its own employees are doing.
I hope EPA doesn’t consider
the questions it filed with FERC the same day
answered by this weak tea from FPL.
April 21, 2014
Ms. Kimberly D. Bose
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20426
Southeast Market Pipelines Project
Docket Nos. PF14-1-000, PF14-2-000, and PF14-6-000
Dear Ms. Bose:
Florida Power & Light Company (“FPL”) hereby submits these comments in response Continue reading FPL supports solar power without spending money on it –FPL to FERC →