It is important that FERC hears from us NOW about the Sabal Trail pipeline and it is easy to do. Here are the steps.
Georgia Sierra Club currently has a handy ecomment form.
Or use FERC’s web interface directly:
- Write your comment using a text program — word, email program, notepad etc.
Click ecomment at
- Fill out information form.
Enter characters in the picture provided.
This is called a captcha. It is used to verify you are human; it is a harmless security measure for the website so do not worry. - Click authorize.
- Check for email from FERC at email address provided on the form you filled out.
- Click on link provided in the email from FERC.
Enter docket number
PF14-1CP15-17 in “Enter Docket Number” field. - A list of Dockets will appear. Sabal Trail is the first one so click the X under select.
- Copy and paste your comment into the space on the web site below your name.
- Click send comment.
- You are done! It is easy and necessary to do this!
And you just encouraged everybody else who is opposing this pipeline, because everyone who is registered with FERC’s ecomment system gets notified whenever new comments are submitted. You can register yourself so you can get those notices for other people’s comments.
Right now is always a good time, especially today.
Please stop this pipe line I have watched our rivers being destroyed this aquifer is where our drinking water comes from our life more digging and destruction will have a negative effect
I’m opposed to Sabal pipeline
Please follow the instructions in the web page to send an ecomment to FERC.
Pipelines are an antiquated and backward technology. The funds being spent on this pipeline should instead be applied to our transition to solar energy, now!