This is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) docket for the pipeline through Alabama, Georgia, and Florida by Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC. (See also: how to file comments with FERC or to become an intervenor.)
Initial documents filed with FERC:

- 20131004-5122 Request for Approval to Use the Pre-Filing Process for its Sabal Trail Project
- 20131004-5123
Sabal Trail Pre-Filing Request for Approval P and C.PDF
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The public may file a FOIA request under 18 C.F.R. 388.108.
LAKE blog posts:
- 2013-11-08: Keep the pipeline fox out of your henhouse –Don Brotherton
- 2013-10-24: Schedule of Open Houses required by FERC for Sabal Trail
- 2013-10-23: Sabal Trail pipeline preliminary filing with FERC
SpectraBusters blog posts:
- FERC category always up to date
- 2014-03-05: FERC refuses to release RFP for environmental contractor
- 2014-03-05: FERC acceptance for Sabal Trail pre-filing PF14-01 2013-10-16
- 2013-11-21: Sabal Trail intends to enter upon your Property
- 2013-11-02: Moratorium on Open House Meetings until everyone is notified –Carol Singletary
- 2013-11-02: Move pipeline to unpopulated electric corridor –Gertrude C. Dickinson
- 2013-10-30: Sample no-permission letters
- 2013-10-30: Pine trees, home sites, and pipeline rights of way –Tim Bland to FERC
- 2013-10-29: Non-Landowner stakeholders and agency permits –Sabal Trail
Please, everyone go to using docket number PF14-1 to file an ecomment objecting to the pipeline. We need to FLOOD FERC with comments. When I spoke to John Peconom he saw very few filings. I explained this is not a lack of interest but a lack of information. Many residents do not know anything about the pipeline. Our charge is to get the word out and encourage everyone to file comments with FERC.
Together we can make a difference! is the URL to the FERC 2103 Employee Phone Director. Please feel free to call them as well.