Tag Archives: Come and Take It

Sabal Trail in Quitman Free Press

Quitman Free Press posted on facebook yesterday this cryptic note:

The Sabal Trail plans to come through Brooks County. See page 12.

Brooks County landowners don’t have to surrender at the first offer of eminent domain. Like Georgians at Fort Morris to the British invaders of 1778, they can give this laconic reply:

Come and Take It!


Come and Take It: Make the pipeline company have to use eminent domain

Call the pipeline company’s bluff, says one landowner, and and at worst you’ll get a much better offer. At best, if enough people do it, the pipeline will become too expensive and won’t get built. Like the Texians at Gonzales, the Georgians at Fort Morris, and the Spartans at Thermopylae, we can stop an invasion, this time by peaceful means. Come and Take It!

Chip Northrup wrote for No Fracking Way 8 July 2013, COME AND TAKE IT — Why Forcing a Condemnation Is The Best Option,

Here is my laypersons view:


1) I give away my right to sue.
2) I enter into a business deal with unknown future liabilities.
3) I have continuing extra insurance expense.

BY TELLING THEM to TAKE MY LAND: Continue reading Come and Take It: Make the pipeline company have to use eminent domain