Waiting for Ted Yoho FL-03 to ask the Corps for a SEIS like he said he would

A local citizen asks her County Commission to represent its citizens, not a pipeline company from somewhere else, in an op-ed in the Suwannee County newspaper today.
Lori McCraney, Suwannee Democrat, 24 December 2015, Opinion: Suwannee County commissioners lack resolve against Sabal Trail,
Proponents have touted the safety of the Sabal Trail pipeline. This belies the fact that Spectra Energy, the parent of Sabal Trail, has one of the worst safety records in the industry. See www.spectrabusters.org/hazards/spectra-safety-violations for links to numerous articles regarding Spectra’s safety record.
According to Alan Lambeth, director of engineering design for Spectra Energy, Sabal Trail will use the thinnest pipe allowed Continue reading The fracked methane bridge isn’t short enough or safe enough: go renewable energy –Lori McCraney in Suwannee Democrat
Maybe fossil fuel pipelines aren’t such a lucrative business after all?
Funny how this Spectra downgrade comes right after
the big announcement
EPA proposed methane rules.
Can Spectra Energy CEO Greg Ebel explain this away to investors
three weeks from now?
How about
OPEC driving the price of gas down
energy deals among U.S., China, and Russia tanking the U.S. LNG export market?
Ebel’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.
Faye Duncan wrote for Dakota Financial News 16 January 2015, Spectra Energy Corp. Cut to “Hold” at Tudor Pickering, Continue reading Spectra stock cut to hold; can CEO Greg Ebel explain 5 Feb 2015?
EPA regulations are not just for coal anymore, emphasizing that fracked methane pipelines are not the answer: how about we go straight to sun and wind power? Today we’ll see how serious president Obama is about methane emissions. Meanwhile, there’s already an opportunity to comment on an EPA methane rule proposed in December.
Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian, 13 January 2015, Barack Obama moves to cut methane emissions by almost half: Environmental Protection Agency will cut oil and gas industry methane emissions as president seeks to bolster climate legacy,
The new methane rules “ which will be formally unveiled on Wednesday—are the last big chance for Obama to fight climate change.
The Environmental Protection Agency is aiming to cut methane emissions by up to 45% from 2012 levels by 2025, White House officials told campaigners during a briefing call.
But it was not clear whether the new rules would apply to existing oil and gas installations, in addition to future sources of carbon pollution, which could Continue reading Obama to move to cut methane emissions
There’s still time to comment on one methane rule proposed by the EPA, which was partly prompted by outside comment to start with. So far, the only comments are by fossil fuel industry consortiums. Why should they have all the fun? Here’s how to post your own comments. And there may be another rule announced today.
Posted by the EPA, 9 December 2014, Greenhouse Gas Reporting: 2015 Revisions and Confidentiality Determinations for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems,
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing revisions and confidentiality determinations for the petroleum and natural gas systems source category of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. In particular, the EPA is proposing to add calculation methods and reporting requirements for greenhouse gas emissions from gathering and boosting facilities, completions and workovers of oil wells with hydraulic fracturing, and blowdowns of natural gas transmission pipelines between compressor stations. The EPA is also proposing well identification reporting requirements to improve the EPA’s ability to verify reported data and enhance transparency. This action also proposes confidentiality determinations for new data elements contained in these proposed amendments.
Pipelines between compressor stations would affect the compressor stations proposed for the Sabal Trail pipeline. The proposed rule also spells out in numerous places that it’s about distribution pipelines, too. And the proposed rule was partly motivated by requests from concerned parties: Continue reading EPA natural gas greenhouse gas reporting proposed rule 2014-12-09
No domestic need for the fracked methane, which Spectra Energy’s CEO has said it wants to export; no insurance despite Spectra’s track record of safety violations; environmental destruction of water and soil: for these and other reasons SpectraBusters, Inc. has filed a motion to intervene with all three parts of the fracked methane pipeline project including Sabal Trail, using a form of filing that other groups could copy.
How can eminent domain be conferred on Sabal Trail, where there is no benefit to the public, there is zero provision for disaster accountability, and no real attempt at a real environmental impact study? Along with the EPA, a taxpayer funded agency, we’d like answers to these questions that we have posed to FERC for the past year.
Here’s how you or your organization can file a motion to intervene.
Filed with FERC 24 December 2014 as Accession Number: 20141224-5069, “Motion to Intervene of SpectraBusters, Inc. under CP15-17, et. al..” Continue reading SpectraBusters moves to intervene on Sabal Trail et al.
Marcellus Shale fracked methane through Atlantic Sunrise to Transco to Sabal Trail to TECO to Jaxport for LNG export?
And maybe an explanation for why Sempra Energy, like Spectra Energy,
donated to both GA Gov. Nathan Deal’s and AL Gov. Robert Bentley’s
re-election campaigns.
Sempra apparently wants to export Marcellus Shale gas from Jacksonville,
and Sabal Trail is the proposed conduit for that through Alabama and Georgia
to Florida.
John Burr wrote for Jacksonville Business Journal 10 March 2014, TECO Peoples Gas looks to expand natural gas pipeline to Jacksonville, Continue reading Sabal Trail to TECO to Jaxport for LNG export?
FPL wants federal eminent domain to gouge a hundred-foot right of way
for a yard-wide fracked methane pipeline
through Alabama, Georgia, and Florida,
claiming Florida needs new power.
That don’t pass the smell test.
Nationwide electricity demand continues to decline, as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reminded the pipeline-permitting Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in April. EPA asked FPL why it couldn’t implement conservation, efficiency, compressed gas storage, or other energy sources. http://spectrabusters.org/2014/04/23/explain-why-the-gas-is-needed-epa-to-ferc/#decreasing-electricity-sales
FPL projected 13% electricity demand increase in its 2014 ten-year plan to the Florida Public Service Commission (FL PSC). A third pipeline would be a 50% increase. Why? http://spectrabusters.org/2014/04/24/fpls-own-projections-dont-support-need-for-a-new-pipeline/
Sabal Trail, the pipeline joint venture of FPL and Spectra Energy of Houston, claims Duke Energy needs Continue reading It don’t pass the smell test: FPL’s extra natural gas pipeline –SpectraBusters
Anybody want to ask Spectra what they expected from Gov. Deal
they contributed $10,000 to his campaign?
There’s a facebook event:
222 Pine Ave, Albany, GA 31701
Our local government officials have listened to our outcry and organized a public meeting featuring but not limited to Spectra, EPA and Gov Deal reps. Please join us, lets show them we are a UNITED Dougherty county!!
Carlton Fletcher wrote for the Albany Herald 24 September 2014,
Albany’s Jon Howard, Dougherty County’s John Hayes host pipeline meetings:
Officials’ community meetings are called to inform public about proposed natural gas pipeline,
The Dougherty County and Albany City commissions will hold a joint meeting Monday at 10 a.m. to discuss the pipeline. Federal and state officials, as well as representatives of Spectra Energy, which is building the pipeline, are expected to attend.
Who’s holding the meetings: Continue reading Spectra haunting Albany, GA 10AM Monday 29 Sep 2014
“Putting a pipeline anywhere near in a sinkhole-laden environment could be horrific if something went wrong,” said Our Santa Fe River President Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, “Our organization is still very much opposed.”
Governor has financial stake in natural gas pipeline, by Megan Reeves, Lake City Reporter, 27 July 2014., also mentioning Greenlaw and EPA, and further quoting Malwitz-Jipson.
Here’s an op-ed by Our Santa Fe River.