Tag Archives: Steve Caley

Sabal Trail sues Georgia landowners for federal eminent domain –Atlanta Journal Constitution

Which Houston, Texas pipeline company has sued Ted Turner, Bob Graham, and dozens of other Georgia landowners, including a Georgia Centennial Farm? That’s right, Spectra Energy, as in the Sabal Trail fracked methane boondoggle.

Dan Chapman, AJC, 1 May 2016, South Georgia pipeline fight turns into battle over eminent domain,

A Texas company wants to condemn private property in Georgia for a pipeline to deliver energy to Florida.

Continue reading Sabal Trail sues Georgia landowners for federal eminent domain –Atlanta Journal Constitution

Cost to KMI of Palmetto Pipeline Suspension and other pipeline opposition

The financial press amusingly tries to spin Kinder Morgan’s suspension yesterday of its Palmetto petroleum products pipeline as a positive. Meanwhile, Sabal Trail still needs stopping even after the historic win in the Georgia legislature, and remember KMI is in bed with Sabal Trail on on the Jacksonville Expansion Project (JEP) from Suwannee County, FL to Jacksonville, FERC Docket No. CP15-144.

Matthew DiLallo, Motley Fool, 31 March 2016, Kinder Morgan Inc. Presses Pause on the Palmetto Pipeline Project: The Palmetto Pipeline is halted due to eminent domain dispute.,

The Palmetto Pipeline project was initially Continue reading Cost to KMI of Palmetto Pipeline Suspension and other pipeline opposition

Judge denies KMI appeal for Palmetto Pipeline

Yay Savannah Riverkeeper, Greenlaw, and Push Back the Pipeline! Kinder Morgan go home to Houston: you can’t even sell your Palmetto Project. And take Spectra’s Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline with you.

JoAnn Merrigan, WSAV3, 1 March 2016, Judge says NO to Kinder Morgan appeal on Palmetto Pipeline,

The Savannah Riverkeeper says score one for property rights in Georgia when it comes to the proposed Palmetto Pipeline and the possible use of eminent domain.

A Fulton County Superior Court judge today ruled against Kinder Morgan (the company planning the pipeline.)…

Now the Riverkeeper reports that “after months of deliberation however, the judge has disagreed and that Tuesday’s decision spells relief for Continue reading Judge denies KMI appeal for Palmetto Pipeline

Albany against Sabal Sinkhole Trail at GA-EPD air quality hearing

The people don’t want Sabal Trail, nor its compressor station. Nobody but Spectra’s paid person Andrea Grover spoke for Sabal Trail, and she only did it by email later, not at the hearing. Pretty good coverage in three local stories.

Carlton Fletcher, Albany Herald, 7 November 2015, Sabal Trail opponents voice concerns to EPD: State officials hold air-quality permitting hearing at Albany Tech,

“There’s a great deal of frustration here because the preponderance of evidence shows that this is a bad project,” [Gordon] Rogers said. “And while we Continue reading Albany against Sabal Sinkhole Trail at GA-EPD air quality hearing

Georgia has no use for new pipelines –AJC

Four pipeline projects surround Atlanta, and Georgia’s governor won’t comment. Spectra’s Andrea Grover did, though, saying the Albany compressor station would be no louder than “a modern-day dishwasher.”

Dan Chapman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 3 April 2015, Pipeline project fuels fight on state’s future,

VALDOSTA — Southwest Georgia is roiling mad over a proposed gas pipeline to Florida that virtually nobody in Atlanta, except Ted Turner, has heard about.

John Carlton looks over a gopher tortoise hole a few feet away from a 1954 easement for an 8 inch natural gas line on his property at Morrison Pines Plantation in Moultrie. The planned Sabel Trail pipeline would run 50 feet over from the existing line. Carlton is undecided on the proposal.
Photograph credit: Curtis Compton, AJC

Electric Power & Light has more of the text: Continue reading Georgia has no use for new pipelines –AJC

Extend the FERC scoping period and obtain critical information from Sabal Trail Transmission –Greenlaw

Two of the most organized Riverkeepers in Georgia, plus the Georgia Sierra Club and a group of landowners in Dougherty County, Georgia, have retained environmental law firm Greenlaw to address the Sabal Trail Pipeline. The task is difficult because of lack of information from Sabal Trail and from FERC. Here Steve Caley of Greenlaw spells out what his clients have asked for and how it’s been refused. You can help by also asking FERC or your elected officials to ask FERC to provide the missing information and to extend the Scoping Period. The PDF of the letter includes the attached documents. -jsq

April 7, 2014

Continue reading Extend the FERC scoping period and obtain critical information from Sabal Trail Transmission –Greenlaw