Tag Archives: Sumter County

Resolution against Sabal Trail pipeline –Groveland, FL 2014-04-21

In April 2014 the Groveland, Florida City Council unanimously voted to ask FERC Summary to move the Sabal Trail pipeline off of private property and the Green Swamp and onto Florida state lands.

The vote is recorded in their minutes of April 21, 2014:

  1. Resolution 2014-04-06: Sabal Trail Transmission Line
    Action: Motion to approve
    Moved by Vice Mayor James Smith, Seconded by Council Member John Griffin.
    Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Yes = 5).
    Motion approved.

The text of the resolution is in their agenda packet: Continue reading Resolution against Sabal Trail pipeline –Groveland, FL 2014-04-21

Bike Lines to stop Pipe Lines 22-25 Nov 2014

300x81 Headline, in Bike Lines to stop Pipe Lines, by Gretchen Elsner, 21 November 2014 200 miles from Athens to Albany, Saturday November 22nd through Tuesday November 25th. (PDF)

Ride supported by the Georgia Climate Change Coalition & Georgia Bikes! Continue reading Bike Lines to stop Pipe Lines 22-25 Nov 2014

karst/limestone substrate connected to the aquifer –Nancy C Dwyer to FERC

Filed with FERC 19 November 2013:

nancy c dwyer, Lake Panasoffkee, FL.

Where is consideration for alternate routes? Such as co-locating with other FPL projects? Or, for example, locating 6 miles of pipeline in nearby deep sandy soil vs karst/limestone substrate connected to the aquifer, which is part of the proposed route in Sumter County, FL.

How to comment with FERC.


Senator Bill Nelson directs FERC to respond

A Sumter County, Florida resident copied her U.S. Senators when she asked FERC to answer the questions Spectra won’t. Senator Bill Nelson directed FERC to answer.

Here’s the letter from Senator Bill Nelson to FERC:

NOV. 1.2013 1:37PM 4078727165 N0.4797 P. 2/4


United States Senate
WASHINGTON. DC 50510-0905
November 1, 2013

Mr. Chris Murray
Director, Division of Governmental Aflairs Continue reading Senator Bill Nelson directs FERC to respond

Move pipeline to unpopulated electric corridor –Gertrude C. Dickinson

Why should a pipeline company from Texas get to gouge a 100 foot path through a flood plain despite local restrictions and make enough noise to threaten a local resident in Sumter County, Florida? A very thorough comment on Sabal Trail’s PF14-1 by Gertrude C. Dickinson raises these questions.

Deed restrictions with flood plain restrictions According to deed restrictions on her lot, which is uphill from the proposed pipeline route. Downhill is hardly less in the flood plain of Florida’s Withlacoochee River in Sumter County.

No permanent structures of fill material of any sort shall be placed within the delineated flood plain areas.

We’ve heard from Ms. Dickinson before, in her letter to SpectraBusters, Half Moon Wildlife Management Area and Sabal Trails and in a story by mynews123.com, Florida opposition to Spectra pipeline. Here’s her comment sent 12 October 2013 and stamped received 21 October 2013 by FERC:

Letter (1 of 2) Docket #PF 14-1
Sabal Transmission

Gertrude C. Dickinson
7963 CR247
(Rutland Ranch DeveIopment- Deed Restricted)
(Rutland, Florida 33538)
Post Office Mailing Address:
Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Attn: Secretary Sarah McKinley
888 First Street N.E
Washington, DC 20426
RE: Pre-filing Docket- Sabal Transmission II PF14—1

Half Moon Wildlife Management Area Continue reading Move pipeline to unpopulated electric corridor –Gertrude C. Dickinson

Half Moon Wildlife Management Area and Sabal Trails

Received today. This is Florida’s Withlacoochee River. -jsq

This is the large Half Moon Wildlife Management Area that is adjacent to my property. They are including my property as part of the 500 feet supposedly required. Running that pipe line through Half Moon could result in the biggest nightmare that anyone could ever imagine. Past events will indicate future events as far as the pipe line industry is concerned. Pipes will leak gas eventually and this area (I have been told) is an actual flood plain that was a lake area in the past that connected to the Withlacoochee River. So the water level is near the land surface and corrosive action readily takes place.

You can see the line that follows that road on Half Moon. The pipe line will follow Continue reading Half Moon Wildlife Management Area and Sabal Trails