Category Archives: Covington County

Florida Panhandle route by Sabal Trail to FERC last Friday

The Florida Panhandle alternative route appears to cross several Georgia rivers by hugging the Georgia-Florida line to avoid the Apalachicola National Forest and the Lake Talquin State Forest in Florida. This looks like the route published in Florida newspapers back in June. It adds Choctaw, Clarke, Monroe, Conecuh, Covington, Coffee, Dale, Geneva, and Houston Counties in Alabama, and Jackson, Gadsden and Jefferson Counties in Florida.

Station 85 Panhandle Alternative, Florida

Extracted from Sabal Trail’s one big PDF document, here is PDF and JPG of the Florida panhandle alternative route map.

Station 85 Panhandle Alternative, Florida
Station 85 Panhandle Alternative, Florida, in Alternatives, by Sabal Trail Transmission, for FERC Docket No. PF14-1-000, 15 November 2013, converted by SpectraBusters
SABAL TRAIL PROJECT, DRAFT RESOURCE REPORT 10, Alternatives, FERC Docket No. PF14-1-000, Initial Pre-Filing Draft, November 2013
