Monthly Archives: May 2015
Alton Burns testifying.
Attorneys and judge.
Tallahassee to Tifton in Moultrie.
Oregon citizen bursts pipeline company talking points
An Oregonian thoroughly explodes the standard pipeline script:
“I guess we could stand having a 232-mile IED in our backyard if it is really benefits the public. But who, exactly, is the public here?”
His Canadian pipeline moguls are actually both from Houston, Texas:
Williams Company with its Washington Expansion Project (WEP)
getting its fracked methane from Spectra Energy’s Westcoast Pipeline.
Oh, this is another Williams pipeline:
Pacific Connector, going to the same Jordan Cover LNG export terminal
as WEP.
The same Williams Company of Transco’s Hillabee Expansion Project
to feed Spectra Energy’s Sabal Trail pipeline.
The same Sabal Trail that’s suing a Georgia Centennial Family Farm
tomorrow in Moultrie, Georgia.
All the pipeline companies seem to follow the same script,
including Kinder Morgan for its Palmetto Pipeline.
And this Oregonian answered for all of us facing pipeline invaders.
Diarmuid McGuire, Ashland Daily Tidings, 22 January 2015, Guest Opinion: We’re Oregonians, but we’re not stupid, Continue reading Oregon citizen bursts pipeline company talking points
Ask your elected and appointed public officials to oppose Sabal Trail
After you’ve signed
the petition to GA Gov. Nathan Deal,
you can call or write him and other state, federal, and local elected and appointed officials
and ask them to oppose the unnecessary, destructive, and dangerous Sabal Trail
fracked methane pipeline.
Georgia is the fastest growing solar market in the country, and the
Georgia legislature just passed unanimously and the Governor signed
a law to facilitate financing solar power.
Help the pipeline shrink away from the Georgia sunshine!
The great state of Georgia should protect its citizens from this invader from Texas that threatens our water, our land, and our way of life.
Continue reading Ask your elected and appointed public officials to oppose Sabal TrailKinder Morgan Paid Pennsylvania Police Department to ‘Deter Protests’ | Latest News | Earth Island Journal | Earth Island Institute
KMI playing same tricks for Palmetto as Sabal Trail did
This meeting format sounds like the Open Houses Sabal Trail held to snow and bully landowners.
And notice it’s always “80 percent survey approval”,
yet we never get to see any list of landowners?
Plus pipeline companies are always working to improve their safety record,
except it never seems to improve.
See below for some recent highlights of KMI’s long lack of safety record.
T.J. Lundeen, North Augusta Star, 21 May 2015, Palmetto Pipeline of confusion: Session in North Augusta leaves many baffled, Continue reading KMI playing same tricks for Palmetto as Sabal Trail did
Petition Georgia Governor Nathan Deal: Oppose Sabal Trail like you oppose the Palmetto Pipeline
Please sign this petition to Please Ban The Sabal Trail Fracked Gas Pipeline.
Congratulations again to Push Back the Pipeline for convincing
GA Gov. Deal and Lt. Gov. Cagle to oppose Kinder Morgan’s Palmetto Project
the Georgia Dept. of Transportation to deny KMI a permit.
Now it’s time for the same for the Sabal Trail Pipeline. The permitting process is different, but opposition from the state of Georgia could stop this invader, too. Continue reading Petition Georgia Governor Nathan Deal: Oppose Sabal Trail like you oppose the Palmetto Pipeline
GDOT says no eminent domain for Palmetto Pipeline
Houston, Houston, do you read?
GDOT agrees with
Push Back the Pipeline:
there’s no Public Convenience and Necessity for the Palmetto Project.
Kinder Morgan take your pipeline and go home.
While you’re at it, Spectra take your Sabal trail pepeline and go home to Houston.
Congratulations to
Push Back the Pipeline on this great victory!
Whitney Harris, WTOC, today, Palmetto Pipeline: Kinder Morgan can’t take land – DETAILS HERE, Continue reading GDOT says no eminent domain for Palmetto Pipeline