Monthly Archives: January 2016

Project Overview Map in General Project Description

Suwannee County Petition to BOCC Download & Drop Off Info With Maps of the Proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline Route

Suwannee County citizens, we have a local petition to Suwannee County BOCC in addition to the state petition that is being circulated. Please sign and circulate for signatures both petitions.

Click read more below to download, sign and gather signatures. I have also included maps that are printable of the entire pipeline route from Alabama to Florida and a Suwannee County Map showing where the pipeline is PROPOSED.  No matter what you are being told or if you have signed easement papers with Sabal Trail THIS PIPELINE NOT A DONE DEAL FOLKS.

We also have Continue reading Suwannee County Petition to BOCC Download & Drop Off Info With Maps of the Proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline Route

Forest Service rejects path for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

If I’m not mistaken, this is the same pipeline Spectra Energy pulled out of bidding on back in August 2014, after numerous local resolutions against. Now it’s hit another big snag. And this also affects Southern Company and solar power: in a good way.

Aaron Isherwood and Nicholas Jimenez, Sierra Club, 6 January 2016, Forest Service Rejects Destructive Path for “Atlantic Coast Pipeline”,

A few days ago, the Forest Service rejected a destructive pathway Dominion Energy had proposed for the $5 billion “Atlantic Coast Pipeline” the company wants to build to carry natural gas from fracking in the Marcellus shale field in northern West Virginia to power plants along the coast of Virginia and North Carolina. This is great news for our National Forests, our ground water, and the climate.

Because the pipeline would have cleared a swath through two national forests (the George Washington and Monongahela), Dominion needed sign-off from the Forest Service. After reviewing the route, the Forest Service determined the environmental destruction the pipeline would cause was unacceptable and rejected the proposal in a January 19 letter

Southern Company (NYSE:SO, and parent of Georgia Power) is in the process of buying Continue reading Forest Service rejects path for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

FPL pushing FERC to rubberstamp Sabal Trail: time to push back

How about not in February or March for the Sabal Trail FERC permit?

FPL is pushing FERC to rubberstamp Sabal Trail (and FSC and Transco’s Hillabee) by February 1st. Nevermind FERC said when it issued its FEIS that its target for “considering” a permit was March.

Since FERC hasn’t fixed its process as four Georgia Congressmen demanded, how about FERC stop its process until it is fixed? You may also want to ask your members of Congress to ask FERC to do that.

There are no more FERC Commision meetings in January, and none of the other meetings scheduled for January or February are about Sabal Trail, so apparently FERC did not jump when FPL went frog. However, beware that no agenda is yet posted for the Commission meetings of 18 February 2016 or 17 March 2016. The time to head off a FERC permit is now.

Filed with FERC 11 January 2016 as Accession Number 20160111-5226, “Florida Power & Light Company’s Letter in Support of the Southeast Market Pipelines Project under CP14-554, et. al..”: Continue reading FPL pushing FERC to rubberstamp Sabal Trail: time to push back

Petition Florida Congress members to oppose Sabal Trail

It’s time for Florida members of Congress to join the four Georgia Congressmen who have told FERC to fix its broken process or deny a permit for Sabal Trail.

Citizens of Florida can petition their members of Congress either by:

  1. Printing and signing a PDF petition from the website of WWALS Watershed Coalition. (Petitions for Georgia and Alabama are also on there.)
  2. Signing online a form put up by Gulf Restoration Network that will send directly to your members of Congress.

SpectraBusters continues to assist these and an increasing Continue reading Petition Florida Congress members to oppose Sabal Trail


Suwannee County BOCC voted 3 – 2 to pass a resolution to remain neutral on the Sabal Trail pipeline despite citizen and environmental group opposition. The vote was Commissioners Fleming and Sessions against  with Bashaw, Gamble, and Wainwright voting in favor of the resolution.

Debra Johnson asked the chairman to read resolution for the public. Then pointed out that they were bordering on censorship.

Lori McCraney also spoke in opposition of this resolution stating that FERC and the Army Corp of Engineers have not made decisions on the Sabal Trail pipeline and as pointed out by Commissioner Fleming the SBOCC members need to go onsite and see the numerous active sinkholes in the pipeline path at the Suwannee river crossing.

We were reassured that the public would be allowed to speak on the pipeline subject during citizens comments at the end of the meetings.

This is really no change as far as the public input is concerned as SBOCC has never allowed any citizen or group a place on their agenda concerning the Sabal Trail pipeline.

The citizens opposing the Sabal Trail pipeline have always been relegated to public comment at the end of meetings anyway.

What the resolution does do though is prevent the SBOCC from having to address any future issues whether the citizens, water and so forth are in obvious danger. Which we all know they are.  When questioned about this the board responded that they would simply pass a resolution.

FPL’s lobbyist, Kyle Cobb, who is always present at the SBOCC meetings where resolutions to ban the pipeline (2014) and another the Suwannee River crossing (Dec 1, 2015) were scheduled to be passed was present at this meeting and all others between. Mr. Cobb has been at every meeting concerning the Sabal Trail pipeline at which the board then reversed it’s decision to pass a resolution against the pipeline, except for the meeting at which SBOCC passed a resolution to move the Hildreth compressor station.

Makes one wonder what control he or rather Spectra, Duke Energy, NextEra have over SBOCC.


Atlantic Sunrise pipeline in Penn. same problems as Sabal Trail

First the good news: a Pennsylvania pipeline protester had all charges dismissed for videoing license plates at a pipeline construction site. All of those plates were from out of state: so much for pipeline company promises of local construction jobs. Much else going on in Pennsylvania sounds very familiar.

Tom Knapp, LancasterOnline, 13 November 2015, Pipeline protester not guilty of disorderly conduct for filming at construction site,

Mark Clatterbuck, a Martic Township resident and professor of religion at Montclair State University in New Jersey, was issued a summons by state police after videotaping out-of-state license plates of subcontractors working at the Williams Gas pipeline project.

The incident occurred Continue reading Atlantic Sunrise pipeline in Penn. same problems as Sabal Trail


Florida Export Stations That are Approved for Export of, Fracked and Piped LNG Through Alabama, Georgia & Florida, To Be Processed & Shipped To NON-FTA and FTA Countries

The following exporters that have been approved to export LNG from Florida to both FTA and NFTA countries with the exception of Strom’s NFTA application which is presently pending but the FTA application has been approved.

FGS Approved

Carib Approved

AES Approved

Emera Approved

Goven Approved Goven application for FTA countries only.

Strom FTA Approved NFTA Pending

Please note the quantity that Strom wants to export to NFTA countries and tell us again that FPL/DUKE needs more gas. This does not, of course, include all the other exports already approved.

Strom Inc. – FE Dkt. No. 15-78-LNG

The Office of Fossil Energy gives notice of receipt of an Application filed May 6, 2015, by Strom, Inc. (Strom), seeking a long-term multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) up to the equivalent of 56.42 billion standard cubic feet of natural gas per year to Non-Free Trade Agreement countries. Strom seeks authorization for a 25-year period commencing on the earlier of the date of first export or five years from the date the authorization is issued. Strom proposes to export LNG from its proposed site in Crystal River, Florida to any country that has, or in the future will have, the capacity to import LNG via ISO containers on an ocean-going carrier, with which the United States does not prohibit trade, and does not have a Free Trade Agreement requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas. This application will replace previous applications docketed under DOE/FE Docket Nos. 14-57-LNG and 14-58-LNG. A federal register notice will issued.

05/06/15 Strom, Inc. Application for Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export LNG to Non-free Trade Agreement Nations

Goven export.pdf

Hike to the Suwannee River with Sierra Club against Sabal Trail – Jan. 16, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Live Oak, FL, January 12, 2016 — Stepping up its support for local and larger groups opposing the proposed Sabal Trail pipeline, this Saturday Sierra Club is hosting a meeting culminating in a hike to the Suwannee River to see where Spectra Energy of Houston, Texas proposes to drill under the iconic Suwannee River into Suwannee River State Park. Media are invited to see people from Florida and south Georgia stand up for our rivers and our Floridan Aquifer.

When: Saturday, 16 January 2016 – 11 AM with hike at 1 PM

Where:  Suwannee River State Park

3621 201st Path, Live Oak, FL

15 miles west of Live Oak on US 90 Continue reading Hike to the Suwannee River with Sierra Club against Sabal Trail – Jan. 16, 2016

No Fracked Gas Florida –Harriet Heywood

Wouldn’t it be convenient for fossil fuel profits if the Sabal Trail pipeline was already in place and they started fracking? Received today as a comment on Strom LNG Processing & Export In The Public Interest? What About Solar & Other Clean Energy Alternatives?; the content is the opinion of the author undersigned below. -jsq

The health of the people and the water of the state of Florida are being auctioned off by a block of elected politicians backed by big oil company lobbyists. And our House representative is one of them.

September 17, the Florida League of Women voters called a town hall in the Orlando area to address public concerns over industry plans to practice hydraulic acid fracturing on our fragile limestone aquifers. Not coincidentally, HB 191, and SB 318, bills that call for preempting Home Rule laws, for the express purpose of greasing the skids for fracking in Florida, were quietly introduced that same day by Rep Ray Wesley Rodrigues, Ft. Myers and Senator Garrett Richter, Naples.

The bill is backed by Continue reading No Fracked Gas Florida –Harriet Heywood