Suwannee County BOCC voted 3 – 2 to pass a resolution to remain neutral on the Sabal Trail pipeline despite citizen and environmental group opposition. The vote was Commissioners Fleming and Sessions against with Bashaw, Gamble, and Wainwright voting in favor of the resolution.
Debra Johnson asked the chairman to read resolution for the public. Then pointed out that they were bordering on censorship.
Lori McCraney also spoke in opposition of this resolution stating that FERC and the Army Corp of Engineers have not made decisions on the Sabal Trail pipeline and as pointed out by Commissioner Fleming the SBOCC members need to go onsite and see the numerous active sinkholes in the pipeline path at the Suwannee river crossing.
We were reassured that the public would be allowed to speak on the pipeline subject during citizens comments at the end of the meetings.
This is really no change as far as the public input is concerned as SBOCC has never allowed any citizen or group a place on their agenda concerning the Sabal Trail pipeline.
The citizens opposing the Sabal Trail pipeline have always been relegated to public comment at the end of meetings anyway.
What the resolution does do though is prevent the SBOCC from having to address any future issues whether the citizens, water and so forth are in obvious danger. Which we all know they are. When questioned about this the board responded that they would simply pass a resolution.
FPL’s lobbyist, Kyle Cobb, who is always present at the SBOCC meetings where resolutions to ban the pipeline (2014) and another the Suwannee River crossing (Dec 1, 2015) were scheduled to be passed was present at this meeting and all others between. Mr. Cobb has been at every meeting concerning the Sabal Trail pipeline at which the board then reversed it’s decision to pass a resolution against the pipeline, except for the meeting at which SBOCC passed a resolution to move the Hildreth compressor station.
Makes one wonder what control he or rather Spectra, Duke Energy, NextEra have over SBOCC.