Category Archives: Compressor

SpectraBusters leaflets Sabal Trail in Live Oak 2016-04-20

“No fracking!” said the students, as nine people protested outside Sabal Trail’s Contractor Fair at RiverOak Technical College, Live Oak, Suwannee County, Florida yesterday, 20 April 2016. Patricia says dont Frack with Our Water SpectraBusters, Suwannee-St Johns Group of Sierra Club Florida, and WWALS were among the groups with members on the ground, with the other groups listed on the flyer we were passing out there in spirit to say Short­term jobs are not worth long­term Sabal Trail risk. Here’s the press release, which was picked up by Valdosta Today.

SpectraBusters on the street

Many thanks to Continue reading SpectraBusters leaflets Sabal Trail in Live Oak 2016-04-20

Short-term jobs are not worth long-term Sabal Trail risk –Locals to Sabal Trail jobs-seekers at Contractor Fairs

PR sent tonight to about 100 news media:


Live Oak, FL, April 18, 2016 — Local residents and half a dozen environmental organizations want applicants at Sabal Trail pipeline job fairs to know a job for a few weeks isn’t worth risking drinking water for all our families and children and grandchildren. Red line Sabal Trail across most vulnerable area of Florida Aquifer Opponents of the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline and supporters of solar power include the Suwannee-St Johns Sierra Club Group, St Johns Riverkeeper, WWALS Watershed Coalition, Our Santa Fe River, Earth Ethics, Gulf Restoration Network, and SpectraBusters.

Sabal Trail is holding what it calls Contractor Fairs 11AM to 2PM on two days this week, not for people to actually install the pipeline, rather for Continue reading Short-term jobs are not worth long-term Sabal Trail risk –Locals to Sabal Trail jobs-seekers at Contractor Fairs

Sabal Trail Contractor Fairs: Ocala, Live Oak, Albany

Update 10 April 2016: And Moultrie, GA April 15th.

Trying to attract local support in counties where it wants compressor stations, Sabal Trail is holding Contractor Fairs, ignoring that:

Look in the dictionary under chutzpah (insolence), and you’ll see Sabal Trail’s picture. Two years ago in Gilchrist County, FL, Sabal Trail admitted Continue reading Sabal Trail Contractor Fairs: Ocala, Live Oak, Albany

Six rehearing requests to FERC, including from Sabal Trail and Transco

The pipeline companies want rehearings, apparently because they don’t like the restrictions the 20160303-5168-31286889-0001 FERC order put on them, so maybe we’ll actually see a rehearing. The other four rehearing requests all don’t like what FERC certified Sabal Trail to do, and some have new reasons beyond what was in the FEIS or the docket beforehand. Poor FERC! Nobody likes your Order! How about stop permitting new fossil fuel projects and promote renewable sun and wind power instead?

The six requests for rehearings, including one by Transco and one by Sabal Trail, all conveniently grouped by FERC in a subdocket at the end of the results if you search for CP15-17 in FERC’s Docket Search: Continue reading Six rehearing requests to FERC, including from Sabal Trail and Transco

Dougherty County upset over eminent domain threat from Sabal Trail

Dougherty County actually read what Sabal Trail is offering and is horrified.

Carlton Fletcher, Albany Herald, 14 March 2016, Dougherty County officials upset over Sabal Trail ‘threat’: Pipeline builder makes ‘final offer’ for land before it says it will resort to eminent domain,

Dougherty County commissioners weren’t exactly pleased Continue reading Dougherty County upset over eminent domain threat from Sabal Trail

Albany, GA caves to Sabal Trail 4-3

One vote could have stopped this. One vote could vote out one or more of the four who voted for. Thanks to Roger Marietta for fighting on.

Carlton Fletcher, Albany Herald, 15 March 2016, Albany city commissioners agree to Sabal Trail easement payment: Pipeline company to pay city $165,000 settlement for five easements,

The Albany City Commission voted 4-3 at a called meeting Tuesday morning to accept a $165,000 payment from Sabal Trail Transmissions for five easements on city-owned property.

Ward IV City Commissioner Roger Marietta suggested Continue reading Albany, GA caves to Sabal Trail 4-3

Where in Suwannee County is the KMI JAX Expansion Project?

Where does this KMI natural gas project start, and where would it connect to Sabal Trail? Across FL 247 Back in March 2015, FERC gave Kinder Morgan docket CP15-144 for its Jacksonville Expansion Project, to ship “natural” gas from Suwannee County to Jacksonville, where Jaxport is gearing up for liquid natural gas (LNG) export. KMI’s FERC application explicitly says Sabal Trail can connect if it wants to, and it turns out Sabal Trail’s own Suwannee County map gives us the answer, once we interpret it: Continue reading Where in Suwannee County is the KMI JAX Expansion Project?

Petition against Sabal Trail by Gulf Restoration Network

Johanna de Graffenreid, Gulf Restoration Network, 11 November 2015, EPA Warns – Sabal Trail Pipeline Threatens Gulf,

Last week, thanks to the courageous efforts of community members across the nation who stood up to the oil industry in their backyards, President Obama vetoed the northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline. Unfortunately, there’s no rest for the weary and a new threat to our Gulf is rearing its ugly head. Unless we stand up to Spectra Energy, and the EPA intervenes, the Sabal Trail Pipeline will begin construction in 2016.

There’s more, and a link to a petition to Stop the Southeast Market Pipeline.

Please sign.

“If I am not for myself who is for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?” —Hillel the Elder

Or, as the Texians said at Gonzales, the Georgians at Fort Morris, and the Spartans at Thermopylae:

Come and Take It!

Please sign this petition.


Albany against Sabal Sinkhole Trail at GA-EPD air quality hearing

The people don’t want Sabal Trail, nor its compressor station. Nobody but Spectra’s paid person Andrea Grover spoke for Sabal Trail, and she only did it by email later, not at the hearing. Pretty good coverage in three local stories.

Carlton Fletcher, Albany Herald, 7 November 2015, Sabal Trail opponents voice concerns to EPD: State officials hold air-quality permitting hearing at Albany Tech,

“There’s a great deal of frustration here because the preponderance of evidence shows that this is a bad project,” [Gordon] Rogers said. “And while we Continue reading Albany against Sabal Sinkhole Trail at GA-EPD air quality hearing

Confirmed: Resolution against Sabal Trail today at Suwannee County Commission 2015-11-17

Suwannee County residents please come speak, and everyone else please come be seen (you can speak, too). Facebook event. Come defend property rights, water, and air in Suwannee County from the Sabal Trail invader, and that helps defend where you are, too.

When: 6PM Tuesday 17 November 2015

Where: 218 Parshley Street Southwest, Live Oak, Florida, 32064


From the draft minutes of the Nov. 3rd meeting Continue reading Confirmed: Resolution against Sabal Trail today at Suwannee County Commission 2015-11-17