This is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) docket for a connected pipeline on from Orlando to an FPL power plant in Martin County, Florida by Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC. (See also: how to file comments with FERC or to become an intervenor.)
Initial documents filed with FERC:
FERC docket FP14-2- 20131004-5124 FSC Pipeline Project Prefiling Letter
- 20131004-5125
Attachment 4 – RFP Proposals CONFIDENTIAL and
Attachment B Landowner List – CONFIDENTIAL
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The public may file a FOIA request under 18 C.F.R. 388.108.
LAKE blog posts:
SpectraBusters blog posts:
- 2013-10-29: FERC-required Open Houses
I’m not sure how we haven’t realized yet that putting pipelines near waterways isn’t a good idea. The possibility of poisoning millions of people should be first in our minds, but taking native lands and destroying ecosystems should be appalling to anyone! Haven’t we taken enough from our native brothers and sisters!
Preservation of our remaining native lands and our beautiful wilderness is more important than money!