OK, maybe he was too pro-coal, but the rest of them are too pro-fracked methane, I think. At least this means the fossil fuel industry doesn’t always get everything it wants, even as Commissioners on its captive rubberstamp agency.
Bobby McMahon wrote for Platts McGraw Hill Financial 7 August 2014, UPDATE: US FERC Commissioner John Norris resigns.
More background in what Rich Heidorn Jr. wrote for RTO Insider 22 July 2014, At FERC, Uncertainty Remains Despite Norman Bay’s Nod, in which he accuses Sen. Harry Reid of politicising FERC appointments. Which is rich, since it was Sen. John Barraso of fracking Wyoming who drove former FERC Chair Jon Wellinghoff out. However, Norman Bay will be FERC Chair next year, despite Barraso’s objections. Cheryl LaFleur is it until them.
And we still need to stop the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline.
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