Beth Gordon told a Gainesville, FL TV reporter 1500 feet from her home is still too close for the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline. And since they moved it off her property, they won’t entertain any compensation. Same for you, if a pipeline blows up in your county or state like one did in neighboring Gilchrist County, Florida in 2012: you get no compensation, but your taxes may have to pay for emergency responders, hospitals, etc.
Jesse Pagan reported Wednesday 22 October 2014 for WCJB TV, Natural Gas Pipeline Concerns, Levy County,
“It would destroy the whole way of life here in Levy County.”
“I never gave them permission, yet I came home one day and they’d cut into my locked gate. I don’t know how they did it. I think they climbed over my fence. There were surveyor stakes all over my property.
First they wanted to put it on my property. Now they’ve moved it onto the farm next door.
The reporter said that’s about 1500 feet from her property, “Too close for her comfort.”
“And because the property isn’t physically right on our property, they will not entertain payment for it.
The reporter mentioned her petition to the Florida Public Service Commission (FL-PSC) that was dismissed. The report shows Beth reading from the result:
“FPL argued that the petitioners are not FPL customers and therefore do not have any interest….”
The reporter went to Sabal Trail’s website and quoted “The pipeline will operate in strict accordance with all federal and state safety requirements.”
That would be a refreshing change from Spectra’s many-decade record of corrosion, leaks, explosions, and fines from PHMSA, EPA, and Pennsylvania.
The TV anchor wrapped up by saying the pipeline if built would transfer more than one billion cubic feet of natural gas per day. He didn’t include anything about who would buy it, such as those three already-authorized LNG export operations (Crowley Maritime, FLiNG, and Goven) right where Sabal Trail’s connecting triplet FSC would end in Martin County, Florida, or the fourth operation applying for LNG export from Crystal River, or TECO wanting to build an intrastate pipeline to LNG exporting Jaxport. Why should Beth or anybody give up their land for fossil fuel executives in Houston or utility executives in Juno Beach to profit by selling fracked methane overseas?
Here’s the video:
Sabal Trail surveyed without permission –Beth Gordon on WCBJ TV
WCBJ doesn’t seem to have posted this interview online. If there is such a link, we’ll be happy to link to it instead of this fair use smartphone video supplied by Beth.
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