Williams Company formal filing CP15-16 for Hillabee Expansion Project

Transco’s formal FERC filing of 18 November 2014 isn’t online and the visible “supplement” is almost entirely privileged and hidden from the public, with no new maps or any other new information visible to the public. Why? Because Transco’s ability to compete is more important to FERC than the public’s right to know what this invader from Houston wants to do to local lands:

“These hydraulic flow model files models are proprietary and include competitively sensitive data regarding Transco’s market-area system design and flow conditions, disclosure of which to Transco’s competitors could cause substantial harm to Transco’s continuing ability to compete for new markets and firm transportation commitments.

So, as predicted, Transco has filed, and PF14-6 is of no further use, replaced by Docket number CP15-16.

Accession Number: 20141119-5018, “Supplement to November 18, 2014 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC application for a CP&N [Hillabee Expansion Project – Hydraulic Flow Model Files] under CP15-16.” is quoted below, and Accession Number: 20141119-5019 has twelve (12) PDF files all marked “PRIVILEGED – Transco ? Hillabee Expansion Project ? Supplemental Information”.

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC
2800 Post Oak Boulevard (77056)
P.O. Box 1396
Houston, Texas 77251-1396

November 19, 2014

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20426

Attention: Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
Reference: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC (“Transco”)
Hillabee Expansion Project
Docket No. CP15-16
Hydraulic Flow Model Files

Ladies and Gentlemen:

In order to assist the Commission in its analysis of the proposed Hillabee Expansion Project under the above referenced docket, Transco submits the SynerGEE Gas hydraulic flow model files used in designing the project. These hydraulic flow model files models are proprietary and include competitively sensitive data regarding Transco’s market-area system design and flow conditions, disclosure of which to Transco’s competitors could cause substantial harm to Transco’s continuing ability to compete for new markets and firm transportation commitments. Therefore, these files are being submitted separately as privileged information pursuant to Section 388.112 of the Commission’s regulations. Transco respectfully requests that this information be accorded privileged treatment and placed in a non-public file.

Please direct any technical questions regarding this submittal to Harry Zhang, Staff Engineer, at 713-215-2914.

Respectfully submitted,


Derrick C. Hughey
Regulatory Analyst, Senior

Electronic Files Enclosed


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