No accountability, no jobs, no benefits: how about no pipeline?
Sasha Lenninger, WFXL, 13 July 2015, County commissioner’s concerns over pipeline,
During Monday’s Dougherty County Commission meeting, one commissioner brought up thoughts about the Sabal Trail Pipeline….
“What kind of measures do we have in place to protect our citizens from the hazards or even during the construction process that doing the heavy construction could damage the right of ways, the roads, and the water systems? If it becomes contaminated, what kind of measures do we have in place to hold them accountable,” asked [Commissioner Harry] James…
“We already have gas lines in the county but you’re only talking six to 10 inch lines. Now you’re talking about a 36 inch line. So that takes a lot more equipment to handle a rupture or some kind of damage or a fire,” said James.
He added he doesn’t think from an economic standpoint there’s any benefit to the citizens if the pipelines comes to the county.
“There are no jobs, no positions or benefits to the citizens in Dougherty County as far as creating jobs or anything so no the pipeline has no benefit to the county as far as an economic standpoint as far as jobs is going through here,” James said.
Remember to comment to FERC about Sabal Trail and that Albany compressor station.
And remember to sign the Petition to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal: Oppose Sabal Trail like you oppose the Palmetto Pipeline.
Then ask your elected and appointed officials to act.
Here are more things local, state, and national elected officials can do.
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