Category Archives: FERC

FERC Commissioner pushes LNG exports to House Subcommitee

Commissioner Tony Clark’s LNG export comments are the pullquote in the U.S. House Committee’s own writeup. His testimony says a surplus of fracked gas in the U.S. is driving both LNG exports and new pipelines. Not customer demand in Florida: producer demand for new markets. Do we want a pipeline through our lands to profit fat cats in Houston?

Given Clark’s background as a public service commissioner in fracking North Dakota, he seems likely to be a fracking, LNG export, and gas pipeline advocate. New FERC Acting Chair Cheryl A. LaFleur’s testimony set the stage for Clark’s remarks:

Increased availability of domestic natural gas and its growing use in power generation also has implications for natural gas infrastructure, which Commissioner Clark will touch on in his testimony.

FERC Commissioner Phillip D. Moeller’s testimony included this Orwellian remark:
Over the last 22 months, the Commission has undertaken significant efforts to address the growing convergence of the natural gas and electric industries through seven technical conferences and regular updates. In November the Commission issued its final rule relating to communications regarding sensitive system information in an effort to open communication channels between interstate natural gas pipelines and operators of wholesale electric markets.

So we should pave the way for natural gas plowing through our property by making communications about it federally sensitive?

Written Testimony of Commissioner Tony Clark
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce
Subcommittee on Energy and Power
United States House of Representatives
Hearing on
Evaluating the Role of FERC in a Changing Energy Landscape
December 5, 2013

The large amount of natural gas in the U.S. is also creating an impetus for something that was nearly unimaginable ten or fifteen year ago, LNG export, as opposed to import terminals. This is an area of significant workload increase for the Commission.

Presently, the FERC has thirteen proposed LNG export terminals and three LNG import terminals in some phase of the permitting process. As you would expect, the reviews that entail safely siting large multi-billion dollar energy projects such as these are extensive.

Note he doesn’t say anything about deciding whether to site LNG export terminals, just doing it “safely”. So this FERC Commissioner seems in favor of what another House subcommittee is also pushing: LNG exports.

But what about pipelines? Those are also driven by fossil fuel company fracked shale gas gluts, not by customer demand:

As you might expect, the shale revolution in both liquids and natural gas production is having a tremendous impact on the work of the FERC. We see this Continue reading FERC Commissioner pushes LNG exports to House Subcommitee

Williams Transco Hillabee Expansion Project PF14-6 to connect to Sabal Trail

The third link: Sabal Trail plans to get its gas from Williams Transco’s Hillabee Expansion Project in Alabama, FERC Docket #PF14-6.

Here’s an excerpt from the Cover letter, Request for Pre-Filing Review, 4 November 2013.

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC
2800 Post Oak Boulevard (77056)
P.O. Box 1396
Houston, Texas 77251-1396

November 4, 2013

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20426

Attention:Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
Reference:Request for Pre-Filing Review
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC
Hillabee Expansion Project
Docket No. PF14-

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC (“Transco”) respectfully requests that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) Staff initiate a pre-filing review of Transco’s proposed Hillabee Expansion Project (sometimes referred to herein as the “Project”). The Project is an expansion of Transco’s existing natural gas transmission system in Alabama that will enable Transco to provide an approximate 1,131,730 dekatherms per day (“dt/day”) of incremental transportation capacity to be constructed in three phases. The capacity created by the Project will be leased to Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC (“Sabal Trail”). The initial phase of the Hillabee Expansion Project is targeted to be placed in service May 1, 2017.

Project Overview: Continue reading Williams Transco Hillabee Expansion Project PF14-6 to connect to Sabal Trail

Too close –henry g. jowers to FERC

Filed with FERC 25 November 2013:

henry g. jowers, valdosta ga., GA.

I am very opposed to the proposed 36 in. gas line being placed on my land.It will be too close to my;; work shop and home. I FEAR for my family’s safety.I think this gas line will destory; the value of my home and land.

Henry g. Jowers

How to comment with FERC.

LaFleur Named Acting FERC Chairman

November 25, 2013
News Media Contact
Mary O’Driscoll | 202-502-8680

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NEWS
File List

President Barack Obama has named Cheryl A. LaFleur Acting Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

“I would like to thank President Obama for this opportunity,” Acting Chairman LaFleur said today. “I am honored to lead the Commission at a time when the nation is making substantial changes in its energy supply and infrastructure to meet environmental challenges and improve reliability and security. The Commission also has important work ahead in implementing Order No. 1000, setting transmission rates, and ensuring competitive markets work fairly and effectively for consumers. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the wonderful team at FERC to take our work forward.”

Since joining the Commission in July 2010, Acting Chairman LaFleur has focused attention on strengthening reliability and grid security, promoting regional transmission planning, and supporting a clean and diverse power supply. She serves as the FERC liaison to the Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee, is a member of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Committees on Electricity and Critical Infrastructure and co-chaired the FERC/NARUC Forum on Reliability and the Environment.



Sabal Trails rep. refused to identify supervisor –Sandra Jones to FERC

Filed with FERC 25 November 2013:

Sandra Jones, Moultrie, GA.

Sabal Trils representiative Johnny Mendrano refused to give me the name or contact information of his supervisor following a request in writing of assurance the pipeline would not come within approx. 70 feet of my home. Sabal Trails is not working with home and land owners to discuss issues. For this reason, I respectfully request denial from you until this issue can be resolved.

How to comment with FERC.

Sabal Trail has not met their commitments –Carol Singletary to FERC

Filed with FERC 20 November 2013; I added a few links to this web version. -jsq

Carol Singletary, Valdosta, GA.

I am strongly contesting the information provided in the RR1 Sabal-Trail-Project initial Draft PF — final PDF, Accession number 20131115-5084, docket number PF14-1. Sabal Trail has not met their commitments to provide information to me, the property owner. Their filing exaggerated their efforts to contact and respond to property owners concerns.

My impression is the landowner consultations are motivated to extract an agreement from the landowner for the survey. I have submitted questions to Sabal Trail representatives at the October 16th Open House held in Valdosta, Georgia and I am still waiting for a response. I have more information Continue reading Sabal Trail has not met their commitments –Carol Singletary to FERC

Help us save our land and our community –Elaine Mercer to FERC

Filed with FERC 22 November 2013:

Elaine Mercer, Valdosta, GA.

My husband and I are adamantly opposed to the pipeline which is proposed to run through our property for a variety of reasons including:

  1. Safety concerns-Spectra Energy has a very questionable safety record with a history of fines by the EPA for leaks and multiple explosions;
  2. We already have one gas pipeline on our property and believe that we should not be required to basically give up control of even more of our personal property for which we have worked hard to purchase and maintain for yet another pipeline which will further limit the use of our property;
  3. Our property value would be negatively affected by up 50%;
  4. Financial-a one time payment is nowhere near adequate for permanent damage, especially when FPL and Spectra would continue to profit forever;
  5. This pipeline would be of no benefit either to our local community or state.
Please help us save our land and our community by blocking this pipeline.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Elaine and Jerry Mercer

How to comment with FERC.

I am opposed to the pipeline on behalf of my neighbors –Lisa C. Eaton to FERC

Filed with FERC yesterday.

Lisa C. Eaton, Valdosta, GA.

I am a landowner and taxpayer in close proximity to where the Sabal Trail Pipeline (Docket PF-14-1) will be put in place. I am opposed to this pipeline going in near my neighborhood. I am opposed to the pipeline on behalf of my neighbors. I think that alternate routes are available that will not impact this area in Lowndes County, Georgia.

How to comment with FERC.

Profits out of a dying industry at the expense of the communities and people’s health and livelihoods –April Huntley to FERC

Filed with FERC yesterday:

April Huntley, Naylor, GA.

The proposed natural gas pipeline by Sabal Trails/Spectra Energy is not in the interest of United States citizens much less the states that it crosses—Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Natural gas and fossil fuel companies are trying to force profits out of a dying industry at the expense of the communities and people’s health and livelihoods in their wake. Fossil fuels are dirty and dangerous sources of energy that FERC should not approve new projects for. We need to conserve our land and water for all people, instead of destroying them for money and profits that cannot replace diminished life.

I ask that docket # PF14-1 not be approved. Please protect the rights of the landowners affected by this pipeline route. Nobody should be forced to have a pipeline as large as 36″ with an explosion radius of 600′ on their land. There are as many as 80 explosions a year from natural gas pipelines causing injury and death to those unfortunate enough to be in the path of one. Natural gas is not a safe alternative fuel as the industry tries to paint the picture. We need focus on renewable energies that are safe for humans and the environment. Exploitation of the environment for corporate profits needs to become a thing of the past!

How to comment with FERC.