Alternative routes by Sabal Trail to FERC last Friday

Transportation System Alternatives, Alabama, Georgia, Florida Two, not one, alternative routes, one bypassing Georgia through the Florida Panhandle, and the other through Tift County, Cook County, and Valdosta in Georgia.

Extracted from Sabal Trail’s one big PDF document, here is PDF and JPG of the overview map.

Transportation System Alternatives, Alabama, Georgia, Florida
Transportation System Alternatives, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, in Alternatives, by Sabal Trail Transmission, for FERC Docket No. PF14-1-000, 15 November 2013, converted by SpectraBusters
SABAL TRAIL PROJECT, DRAFT RESOURCE REPORT 10, Alternatives, FERC Docket No. PF14-1-000, Initial Pre-Filing Draft, November 2013


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