Sabal Trail is bullying its way –Alton Burns to FERC Chair

Email FERC Commissioners directly, and it still gets filed as an ecomment, as a Thomas County, Georgia resident demonstrated. And remember FERC could pick Alternative 3 which goes through Thomas County.

Filed with FERC 1 December 2014 as Accession Number: 20141201-4002,

From: Alton Burns
Date: November 27, 2014 at 10:55:20 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: Re: PF14-1-000 Sabal Trail Transmission LLC

Dear Chairman LaFleur,

Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC is seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for its 300 mile Florida natural gas pipeline and will submit its preferred pipeline route soon. This certificate should be denied. When determining the issue of ‘need’, Sabal Trail’s own Draft Resource Report states:

“It is possible that the development and implementation of additional cost effective conservation measures could have some effect on the demand for natural gas. However, substantial new development in technology would be needed before the magnitude of such energy conservation measures necessary to equal the electric generation fueled by the proposed (natural gas pipeline) Project could be implemented.”

Yet in Florida, the fossil fuel industry has forced the appearance of need by blocking the efforts of Floridians to fully develop energy efficiency and renewable energy options.

In addition, at the endpoint of the pipeline in Martin County, Florida Power & Light has built a facility to create Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) — a key step in the export process. Any plan to export LNG clearly demonstrates that Floridians have no ‘need’ for this additional gas pipeline. It’s simply further business development for the fossil fuel industry. It is not in the public interest and should be denied.

Sabal Trail is bullying its way through the rural counties of north Florida to place its pipeline over, under and through our aquifer, rivers and springsheds, including the Ichetucknee, Santa Fe, and Rainbow Rivers, as well as the Green Swamp — aquifer for millions of Floridians. This assault comes at the very time when those waterways are under extreme threat from runoff pollution and over-pumping. They require restoration and recovery plans, not additional threats. Due to Florida’s unique geology, there are several areas of major concern:

Please deny this permit. Florida water is too valuable, and dirty fossil fuels are not Florida’s future.


Alton Burns
2150 W D Kennedy Rd.
Coolidge, GA 31738


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