Nonami Oglethorpe moves to intervene on Sabal Trail et al.

Ted Turner’s Nonami plantation near Albany, Georgia has filed a motion to intervene with all three parts of the fracked methane pipeline project including Sabal Trail, using a form of filing that other groups could copy.

Intervenor is a landowner with land laying both within the proposed right-of-way corridor for the Sabal pipeline and within very close proximity to one of Sabal’s proposed compressor stations, thus exposing its property to condemnation and deleterious effects associated with the construction and operation of a natural gas transmission pipeline and deleterious effects of a compressor station.

Filed with FERC 22 December 2014 as Accession Number: 20141222-5003, “Motion to Intervene of Nonami Oglethorpe, LLC under CP15-17.”


Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC Docket No. CP15-17-000
Hillabee Expansion Docket No. CP15-16-000
Florida Southeast Connection Docket No. CP14-554-000


Pursuant to Rules 212 and 214 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the “Commission”), 18 C.F.R. §§ 385.212 and 385.214, and Section 15(a) of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. § 717n), Nonami Oglethorpe, LLC (“Intervenor”), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby moves to intervene as a party to this proceeding. In support hereof, Intervenor shows as follows:

On November 21, 2014, Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC (“Sabal”) filed its application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity in order to authorize it to construct, operate, and acquire facilities to transport natural gas to downstream markets in the United States. Sabal Trail is a part of but only one component of the Southeast Market Pipelines Project. Expansion. The other two components of the project are the Transco Hillabee Expansion in Alabama and the Florida Southeast Connection pipeline in Florida. The Sabal Trail pipeline cannot function or meet its stated purpose without these other two component projects. Due to the close and interconnected nature of the three pipeline components of the Southeast Market Pipelines we move that we be granted leave to intervene in the three above referenced proceedings.

  1. Contact Information and Service of Filings.

    Intervenor requests that the Commission include the following representatives on the official service list to receive service of all filings and communications made in these proceedings:

    Joshua D. Marks, Esq.
    Davis, Pickren, Seydel & Sneed, LLP
    285 Peachtree Center Ave., Suite 2300
    Atlanta, Georgia 30303
    (404) 588-0505

  2. Motion to Intervene

    On November 21, 2014, Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC (“Sabal”) filed its application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity in order to authorize it to constmct, operate, and acquire facilities to transport natural gas to downstream markets in the United States. Sabal’s application is part of the Southeast Market Pipelines Project.

    Intervenor is a landowner with land laying both within the proposed right-of-way corridor for the Sabal pipeline and within very close proximity to one of Sabal’s proposed compressor stations, thus exposing its property to condemnation and deleterious effects associated with the construction and operation of a natural gas transmission pipeline and deleterious effects of a compressor station. Accordingly, the Commission’s actions in these proceedings, which relate to the construction and operation of the pipeline, directly and immediately affect Intervenor, and no other party can adequately represent Intervenor’s interests. By intervening in these proceedings, Intervenor will be able to monitor all developments in this matter that may affect Intervenor’s interests including the potential effects of the pipeline’s and compressor station’s location, construction, and operation in the event Sabal’s application is approved and a certificate of public convenience and necessity is issued. The Commission, therefore, should allow Intervenor to intervene in these proceedings.

WHEREFORE, for the above reasons, Intervenor requests that the Commission GRANT its Motion to Intervene.

Done this 19th day of December, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
By: Joshua D. Marks
GA Bar No. 470773
Davis, Pickren, Seydel & Sneed, LLP
285 Peachtree Center Ave, Suite 2300
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Tel: (404) 588-0505
Fax: (404) 582-8823
Attorneys for Nonami Oglethorpe, LLC


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