Beware pipeline trespassers during holidays

Lock your gates and call the sheriff and a lawyer if you see any signs of pipeline trespass, and complain to the state Attorney General, advises someone dealing with Williams’ Constitution Pipeline, and since Sabal Trail has already had a criminal trespass trial, we can’t expect them to be any better. Just because you’re on holiday the rest of this week, don’t assume the pipeline company is. And you’ll probably need an attorney for those eminent domain lawsuits if Sabal Trail gets a FERC permit, so file your motion to intervene or ecomment today.

Chip Northrup wrote for No Fracking Way, Pipeline Threatens Then Trespasses,

Just in time for Christmas. If you’re in harm’s way, lock the gate and call a lawyer. Don’t sell out cheap and have your land ruined.

Grow a pair for the New Year. You’ll be glad you did.

The New York State Office of the Attorney General has taken a complaint, filed by a landowner who received a threatening letter from Constitution Pipeline, and submitted it to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This action may indicate that the AG’s office is beginning to respond to complaints by the Center for Sustainable Rural Communities, the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic and others over the tactics of Constitution’s Lawyers. The AG’s submission to FERC includes a copy of a complaint form in which a landowner states that not only has he received a threatening letter from Constitution’s lawyers but also that representatives of Constitution have trespassed on his posted private property on multiple occasions.

A copy of the AG’s submission can be viewed here:


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