Williams talked up
Atlantic Sunrise to feed Transco and Sabal Trail,
and Spectra bought into Penneast.
Now both have been delayed many months, shortly after
the Georgia legislature resoundingly rejected river-drilling easements for Sabal Trail
Hamilton and Suwannee Counties, Florida and
WWALS Watershed Coalition
asked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to come see the sinkholes, springs, and caverns Sabal Trail didn’t tell FERC about.
You can
ask Congress to get the GAO to investigate FERC.
Elizabeth Skrapits, Popular Resistance, 2 April 2016, FERC Postpones Decisions On Two Gas Pipeline Projects,
Two natural gas pipeline companies will have to wait longer than they wanted for potential approval by the federal agency that authorizes and regulates pipeline projects.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission postponed a decision on the PennEast pipeline to January 2017, seven months later than the company requested.
FERC’s decision on another proposed project, Williams Companies’ Transcontinental Pipeline Co., LLC’s $2.59 billion Atlantic Sunrise expansion of the Transco interstate pipeline, is also delayed, by 10 months.
And look here: Sabal Trail is coming back to Florida and Georgia week after next! Some chutzpah to show up again after all that.
Short Link:
I personally can’t stand these groups that have nothing to do but oppose progress.This project will create jobs that this country is in need of and these will be shovel ready and I mean shovel ready and not Obama’s interpretation of shovel ready,I guess we can forget the jobs and apply for Obama entitlements.
Deb here you do not know what you are talking about, Sir.The only jobs created will be for the Texas pipeline crews or the few pipeline union members in the area- and they are temporary – our water is not as water is life. The impact there is, is usually negative with out of state crews leaving a trail of social issues, drug abuse, and disease.
[edit] I understand the need for jobs — but the need for clean water is exponentially greater – WATER IS LIFE – these jobs are temporary.
We do have respect for workers and their families — tricky situation due to the location Sabal Trail pipeline has been placed — right over the sole source of drinking water for millions of people – The Floridan Aquifer which spans a large portion of the eastern USA. THIS is the issue as well as the endangerment of people’s lives. When these jobs are gone we have to live with the impacts of this pipeline forever!