Opposition to Sabal Trail has spread to Athens, Georgia,
where the Georgia Climate Change Coalition (GCCC)
is writing letters.
Letter Writing Campaign to oppose Sabal Trail Pipeline,
GCCC will host a letter writing campaign to oppose the
Sabal Trail Natural Gas Pipeline slated to traverse delicate
habitats & acquifiers throughout the South Georgia region. For
background on the opposition to this pipeline, click
here. Drop by any time during the day on November 19 at the
Athens-Clarke County Heritage Foundation Firehouse (489 Prince Avenue)
and there will be someone to brief you and postcards to write.
After writing your letter, stay for our 2014 Annual Meeting at 6pm.
Then, on November 22nd a group of bicyclists will leave Athens to
make the 200-mile journey to Albany Georgia, passing through Macon,
to Koinonia Farm in Americus, Georgia along the way, staging letter
writing/community education/networking events along the way. In the
early afternoon of 25th we will arrive in Albany and meet with
community leaders. We will then return as a group to Decatur to host
the last event of this brief tour.