And checkered pipeline company safety records, says Nonami:
- The Project is Not Necessary and Thus Fails to Satisfy FERC Requirement of Being Publicly Necessary and Convenient
- If Project is Proven Publicly Necessary, Alternative, Less Impactful Routes Exist
- Pipeline Threatens the Property and the Community
- Station Threatens the Property and the Community
- Sabal’s Proponents have a Checkered Safety Record
- Formal Public Opposition
- Conclusion
I’ve added a few links and illustrations, but Nonami’s filing is so thorough it would take a long time to link to all the evidence.
Filed with FERC 13 November 2014, Comment filed on behalf of Nonami Oglethorpe, LLC by Davis, Pickren, Seydel & Sneed, LLP under PF14-1. Continue reading An unnecessary threat by an unsafe company –Ted Turner’s Nonami Plantation to FERC about Sabal Trail