Why should a pipeline company from Texas get to gouge a 100 foot path through a flood plain despite local restrictions and make enough noise to threaten a local resident in Sumter County, Florida? A very thorough comment on Sabal Trail’s PF14-1 by Gertrude C. Dickinson raises these questions.
According to
deed restrictions on her lot, which is uphill from the proposed
pipeline route.
Downhill is hardly less in the flood plain of Florida’s
Withlacoochee River in Sumter County.
No permanent structures of fill material of any sort shall be placed within the delineated flood plain areas.
We’ve heard from Ms. Dickinson before, in her letter to SpectraBusters, Half Moon Wildlife Management Area and Sabal Trails and in a story by mynews123.com, Florida opposition to Spectra pipeline. Here’s her comment sent 12 October 2013 and stamped received 21 October 2013 by FERC:
Docket #PF 14-1
Sabal TransmissionGertrude C. Dickinson
7963 CR247
(Rutland Ranch DeveIopment- Deed Restricted)
(Rutland, Florida 33538)
Post Office Mailing Address:
Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Attn: Secretary Sarah McKinley
888 First Street N.E
Washington, DC 20426
RE: Pre-filing Docket- Sabal Transmission II PF14—1I, Gertrude C. Dickinson, request the Commission to CHANGE THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF THE Sabal Trails Pipe Line from my property to the government owned property that contains the electric corridor and has no residential properties on it. The land that extends below the government owned land toward State Road 44 is small and is privately owned. It still contains the electric corridor and has a grazing area and very limited residential property to be impacted.
I have been diagnosed as having auditory recruitment. Sound emissions that I cannot tolerate will elevate my blood pressure to crisis level creating conditions for heart attack or stroke. I have arranged to live in an area that will afford me a minimal stress life-style. I need to remain in this home in this area so that I can live comfortably in familiar surroundings that are arranged to accommodate me at my age.
I live a mile and One-half away from the Withlacoochee River I began lobbying for the enforcement of the statute that stated the engines used on airboats are MANDATED TO BE EQUIPPED WITH EFFECTIVE MUFFLING DEVICES. The sound emission from those airboats seriously elevated my blood pressure to crisis level and at one time almost caused my death. My lobbying was successful but resulted in a death threat that has been activated and has continued with various actions against me, my property and my pets. Loud sound emissions were used regularly to attempt to “get rid” of me. This lasted for a number of years but was stopped recently. This activity severely increased my sound sensitivity.
There has been an occasion in which loud pulsating sound emissions occurred during preparation for cancer surgery that elevated my blood pressure to heart attack status. The surgery had to be canceled.
I have attended church regularly without fail until the church services became severely amplified and loud rock concert type music became popular. I can no longer attend church or any other event that has loud amplified sound.
Because of my auditory recruitment, i chose to retire in an area that has no sound emission source that would affect me in any way. I have planted trees that surround my property to act as a buffer during incidents of sound emission when hunting events occur in The Half Moon Wildlife Conservation Area and loud vehicles enter that area.
The Sabal Trails pipeline would destroy the buffer zone areas that l have established. The pipe line will also create constant intrusive sound emissions for long periods of time during the pipe installation procedures that would seriously negatively impact me and could cause my death.
I am 82 years old and request that the pipe line he established In an area away from my property. The actual electric corridor is across County Road 247 on a government owned property, Half Moon Wildlife Conservation Area. that should be used for the project in this area. The corridor extends past Half Moon into a small privately owned area that extends to State Road 44. This land contains a few residents that would not necessarily be affected.
That which is proposed at this point could create circumstances that would be life threatening to me. The pipe line project as proposed will absolutely negatively Impact me so that my health could be altered to crisis level and thereby, possibly my death.
Sincerely Submitted for Consideration,
October 12, 2013
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