Moratorium on Open House Meetings until everyone is notified –Carol Singletary

Received yesterday on FERC. If New York can protest a Spectra pipeline maybe we should, too. -jsq

Sabal Trail’s low profile approach to these meetings will keep our community uninformed and unprepared to meet the challenges of the proposed pipeline.

I received a letter that provided instructions on how to go find the meeting times. I found it interesting that a two page letter could be sent requesting authorization for the survey; however, Sabal Trail has made the task incumbent on the property owners to locate the information about these meetings.

Our entire community is impacted and notice has only been provided to landowners. It is egregious that Sabal Trail has excluded the majority of the citizens of our community in their notification process.

I have volunteered to provide direction to Sabal Trail that will help them better inform communities regarding the Open House meetings on the proposed pipeline. A tiered approach of multimedia formats with multiple listing would allow our entire community to be aware of the proceedings.

I have requested that a moratorium be placed on conducting the meetings until a comprehensive approach of notification has been done.

Shame on you Sabal Trail for trying to keep the citizens unaware and uninformed.

-Carol Singletary

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