Tag Archives: Danielle Jordan

Pipeline Reader: Who, what, when, where, how, and why not the Sabal Trail methane pipeline

Here’s PDF of a reader for county commissions and others who need to get up to speed on the pipeline. Feel free to add local material for your county commission or city council.

This pipeline reader contains:

About the Pipeline

Sabal Trail Pipeline Context maps —Spectra Energy and FPL — Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange www.l-a-k-e.org

Natural Gas Pipelines www.foodandwaterwatch.org

Spectra Safety Violations www.spectrabusters.org

Facts on Fracking — Wiregrass Activists for Clean Energy (WACE) www.wiregrassace.org/

Local Governments Can Restrict Pipelines www.spectrabusters.org

WV Polluter Files Bankruptcy www.spectrabusters.org

Stranded Fossil Fuel Assets www.spectrabusters.org

Solar Jobs — Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange www.l-a-k-e.org

How to File a Comment with FERC

Continue reading Pipeline Reader: Who, what, when, where, how, and why not the Sabal Trail methane pipeline

SpectraBusters, Inc. board: all three states along Sabal Trail Pipeline

Update 15 February 2014: Now six board members; see Board page.



Valdosta, January 16, 2014 —

SpectraBusters, Inc. has incorporated in Georgia with board members from all three states on the path of the proposed Sabal Trail Transmission methane pipeline: Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.

The five SpectraBusters board members include directly affected landowners and members of a wide range of groups affected by the pipeline:

Beth Gordon, President, doesn’t want a 36-inch pipeline through her horse farm in Levy County, Florida, where she practices law with The Gordon Law Firm. She filed a legal protest with the Florida Public Service Commission against the pipeline and spoke against it at the Levy County Commission, noting this pipeline is much bigger than previous pipelines or those that blew up recently in Oklahoma or Texas, plus the company behind this pipeline has a long list of fines for PCB pollution by EPA and for property damage, leaks, and negligence by PHMSA.

Larry Rodgers, Treasurer, Continue reading SpectraBusters, Inc. board: all three states along Sabal Trail Pipeline

Respect the rights of citizens and landowners –Danielle Jordan to FERC

Filed with FERC 24 November 2013:

Danielle Jordan, Valdosta, GA.

The proposal to build a natural gas pipeline by Sabal Trail/Spectra Energy is unnecessary and, undoubtedly, not in the best interest of the citizens living along its path. Not only will the construction of this pipeline create safety issues and devalue the property of affected landowners, it also serves as an extension of the fracking industry responsible for contaminated groundwater in drilling areas. The externalized costs of the natural gas industry are far too detrimental to public health for this to be considered when the potential for solar power in our region remains largely untapped.

Furthermore, natural gas has been marketed as Continue reading Respect the rights of citizens and landowners –Danielle Jordan to FERC