Tag Archives: Rappahannock County

Supervisors oppose any Spectra alignment through Rappahannock County , VA

One month before Spectra “suspended” its Pennsylvania to Carolina pipeline plans, a Virginia county passed a resolution saying it didn’t want it. Not just please don’t cross our river like Hamilton County, Florida. Don’t come through here at all, said Rappahannock County, Virginia.

Piedmont Environmental Council, Rappahannock County Passes Resolution Opposing Spectra Alignment

A resolution titled “Rappahannock County Opposition To The Construction of An Underground Natural Gas Transmission LIne within Its Jurisdiction,” was passed by the Rappahannock Board of Supervisors on July 7, 2014. The resolution urges Duke Energy to select another proposed corridor for its energy needs.

Here’s the resolution. Continue reading Supervisors oppose any Spectra alignment through Rappahannock County , VA

Spectra suspends mid-Atlantic pipeline to the sea

Pipeline objections from landowners, taxpayers, local and state government agencies, environmental groups, and historical societies caused mighty Spectra to “suspend” its unnamed $4 billion methane pipeline from Pennsylvania fracking grounds through Virginia to Duke Energy plants near the sea in North Carolina. Similar opposition can make Spectra and Williams and FPL and Duke think again about their proposed $3 billion Transco -> Sabal Trail -> FSC hundred-foot gouge through Alabama, Georgia, and Florida to three already-authorized LNG export operations in Florida.

This was apparently the first report, by John Bruce, for The Recorder of Monterey, Highland County, Virginia, 7 August 2014, Spectra suspends pipeline proposal, Continue reading Spectra suspends mid-Atlantic pipeline to the sea