Strom can ramp up its LNG export to the Gulf from Crystal River an order of magnitude with its initial units,
and then add more units, all without any further approval by anybody, says this Order from the U.S. DoE Office of Fossil Energy,
which also appears to permit bomb trains shipping LNG anywhere in Florida,
or maybe even other states, with some of the fracked methane probably coming from Sabal Trail if built.
This FE Order was issued 21 October 2014, one month to the day before
Sabal Trail filed in the FERC formal process in
21 November 2014.
Yet not a word was said about Strom or any other LNG export by FERC or Sabal Trail in any of the FERC Scoping Meetings I went to,
I pointed out at the one 1 October 2015 in Lake City, Florida.
FE is even more a rubberstamp regulatory-captured lapdog of the fossil fuel industry than is FERC, and Strom is setting up to require no further approvals by them or anybody else: Continue reading Strom Crystal River LNG export approval 2014-10-21