Category Archives: FERC

Please help us save our Precious lands, wetlands, watersheds –Kristofer Graham to FERC

Filed with FERC 25 November 2013:

Kristofer Graham, Naylor, GA.

Kristofer Graham, I am concerned about the proposed Sabal Trail pipeline going though Lowndes County, Georgia. Because I fear it danger to our land environment and the people family’s that live near that natural gas pipeline route. Then I noticed the natural gas pipeline is going though many of our wetlands and our watersheds. Well that really concern me because they can destroy our natural resource, which that mean our Eco system is destroy like Continue reading Please help us save our Precious lands, wetlands, watersheds –Kristofer Graham to FERC

It endangers wildlife and the safety of my children –Brian Peters to FERC

Filed with FERC 25 November 2013:

Brian Peters, Lake Park, GA.

I am in protest of this pipeline because it endangers wildlife and the safety of my children if brought into Lowndes County. We formally protest this harassment of property owners rights!

How to comment with FERC.


We already have 2 pipelines –Don Brotherton to FERC

Filed with FERC 25 November 2013:

Don Brotherton, Valdosta, GA.

I am totally against this proposed project tentatively coming across our property. We already have 2 pipelines and a 3rd would totally devastate our property value not to mention the safety issues and concerns. Sabal should chose a less populated alternative route.

Continue reading We already have 2 pipelines –Don Brotherton to FERC

Follow a route that utilizes public right of ways –Keren Wynn to FERC

Filed with FERC 24 November 2013:

Keren Wynn, Valdosta, GA.

I understand the need for this pipeline, but I am very concerned about the associated safety risks and the negative impact it will have on private property owners in Lowndes and Brooks Counties. Our daughter’s best friend and her family are directly affected with the proposed pipeline being located just a few feet from their home. I have concerns for the safety of this family and for my daughter based on reports of numerous explosions of these types of pipelines in other areas. This pipeline will run through a rural area that is only served by volunteer fire departments that are not capable of handling this type of potential disaster. The focus for Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC is on profits and not for the safety or well being of residents of this area. The proposed route should not directly affect private land owners. This project should be required to follow a route that utilizes public right of ways. Thank you for your assistance.

How to comment with FERC.


Respect the rights of citizens and landowners –Danielle Jordan to FERC

Filed with FERC 24 November 2013:

Danielle Jordan, Valdosta, GA.

The proposal to build a natural gas pipeline by Sabal Trail/Spectra Energy is unnecessary and, undoubtedly, not in the best interest of the citizens living along its path. Not only will the construction of this pipeline create safety issues and devalue the property of affected landowners, it also serves as an extension of the fracking industry responsible for contaminated groundwater in drilling areas. The externalized costs of the natural gas industry are far too detrimental to public health for this to be considered when the potential for solar power in our region remains largely untapped.

Furthermore, natural gas has been marketed as Continue reading Respect the rights of citizens and landowners –Danielle Jordan to FERC

Five brief protests to FERC 2013-11-23

All five filed with FERC 23 November 2013 from Lowndes County, Georgia:

Mary Anderson, valdosta, GA.
I definitely do not want the pipeline proposed by Sabal Trail to be constructed on my property.
Priscilla Mack, Valdosta, GA.
How is this going to harm are farm land. We do not with this on are land.
James E Anderson Jr, Valdosta, GA.
I am strongly opposed Continue reading Five brief protests to FERC 2013-11-23

Protest to FERC at the last Sabal Trail gas pipeline Open Houses



Valdosta, December 17,

2013 –Talk directly to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that would have to approve the Sabal Trail methane pipeline at the last Open Houses in Madison and Kissimmee, Florida, tonight. Protesters against the pipeline will be out front starting at 4PM.

When:  5:00 PM to 7:30 PM, Monday, December 16th Tuesday, December 17th 2013

Where: North Florida Community College
325 Turner Davis Dr.
Madison, FL 32340

Kissimmee Middle School
2410 Dyer Blvd.
Kissimmee, FL 34741

Why: Spectra Energy proposes a hundred-foot-wide gash through our lands for their huge 36 inch Sabal Trail gas pipeline from Alabama through Georgia to feed Florida Power and Light (FPL) and Duke Energy for no benefit to local citizens and rate hikes for FPL customers. A one-time payment is not enough for decreased property values, permanent destruction, and hazards of leaks and explosions, when FPL and Spectra and Duke would profit forever. The gas comes from fracking in Pennsylvania and Texas, destroying whole watersheds and poisoning farmlands and drinking water. Solar power is cheaper and brings jobs and energy right here where we need them.

In Conjunction with:

Continue reading Protest to FERC at the last Sabal Trail gas pipeline Open Houses

Spectra fails to answer landowner questions in Clyattville

Winnie Anne Wright wrote for WCTV yesterday, Sabal Trail Transmission Hosts Informational Meeting at Clyattville Elementary,

Representatives from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission were also on hand to answer questions, but tonight’s meeting didn’t ease everyone’s fears.

“The hope is they would pipe their gas using another route. I don’t need to be a doormat for somebody to make money shipping gas to Florida, so that they can cash the check on my back”, says Tom Lovett, an impacted landowner.

“I understand why the landowners are upset. I mean I really do. I see that they don’t have answers right now, but it just takes time”, says Susan Waller, VP of Stakeholder Outreach for Sabal Trail Transmissions.

Representatives from Sabal Trail say they hope to have a complete study by May, 2014 with answers to community concerns.

Answers like everybody in Pennsylvania is happy? How much time does it take, Spectra, to answer questions you’ve been asked about every pipeline you’ve promoted? Sending Andrea Grover’s boss, Susan Waller, turns out not to be an improvement if that’s the best she can do.

Why isn’t FERC making Spectra answer the questions?


Possible pipeline through Colquitt County –Fox31

Do you believe Sabal Trail that the pipeline won’t affect the value of your land? If what Spectra Energy’s Vice President of Stakeholder Outreach & Sustainability says is true, why doesn’t Sabal Trail just buy the affected properties? They should be able to resell it later for equal or greater value.

Rheya Spigner wrote for (fox31online) 12 December 2013, Possible pipeline through Colquitt County,

Susan Waller with the Sabal Trail Transmission says “one concern (from residents) is that it’ll impact the value of the land.” Which she adds isn’t true, but could affect vegetation.

They didn’t quote Andrea Grover, Director, Stakeholder Outreach. Maybe they discovered she, like Brian Fahrenthold, was not familiar with Spectra’s history of fines? And as a Vice President, Susan Waller would appear to be Andrea Grover’s boss. Have we gotten their attention enough that they are escalating within Spectra?

John Peconom of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) says Continue reading Possible pipeline through Colquitt County –Fox31

Talk to FERC at Clyattville Elementary Monday 2013-12-16



Valdosta, December 13, 2013 –Landowners and others can talk directly to the federal oversight agency that has to approve any new pipelines will be at an Open House they required Sabal Trail Transmission to hold Clyattville Elementary Monday evening. For those who are unable to stand and circulate the room an area will be provided and representatives from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) have been assigned just for this area. Protesters against the pipeline will be out front starting at 4PM.

When:  5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Monday, December 16 th 2013

Where: Clyattville Elementary School
5386 Madison Highway
Valdosta, GA 31601
Phone: (229) 559-7062

Why: Spectra Energy proposes a hundred-foot-wide gash through our lands for their huge 36 inch Sabal Trail gas pipeline from Alabama through Georgia to feed Florida Power and Light (FPL) for no benefit to local citizens. A one-time payment is nowhere near adequate for permanent destruction and hazards when FPL and Spectra would profit forever.

Property values: Continue reading Talk to FERC at Clyattville Elementary Monday 2013-12-16